Whos~Who in Mountain View California
Terry Lanciotti April 17, 2009 at 4:34 pm
Over the past few days I have notice a very odd happening. If you did not know, you can google almost anything and find what you want. You may have to search only a page or two of results, or you may need to go many more to find what your looking for.
I would like to go on the record for the following. Marion Valentines ~a Pyro contributor~ computer has been hacked again. My computer has been the target of at least two hackers. One that shows up as Mountain View, California and the other Europe. They are one in the same, as they are using the same jargon to reach the site, nite, after nite, after nite.
Were watching…
A note from Marion, the hacker that targeted me yesterday is supposedly from Peoria, Il. The phone number of the hacker was 429-496-7295...the number is no longer working.
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