Tea Parties were an over the top success! This is just the beginning. By Dr. Laurie Roth
Marion Valentine April 17, 2009 at 10:22 am
The over reach of this administration and President continues in bold Technicolor. Magically, the day before the national Tea Parties we see a report released by Homeland Security identifying the new war on terror, the real danger (drum role please) RETURNING VETS, those who are against abortion, for state sovereignty, for less Government, less taxation, against illegal immigration and pro gun rights. I figure that would cover most of tax paying America! This offensive, disconnected from reality dribble, reads like a declaration of war against decent American citizens. Our brave, loyal and courageous Vets are a danger? Oh that is rich!
The heat is building up to Lava and flying everywhere as the insult and insinuation of this report floods the country. Texas Rep. Lamar Smith states that this administration was painting “law-abiding Americans, including war veterans, as ‘extremists.’” Indiana Rep. Steve Buyer weighed in as well calling the implication against our troops as ‘inconceivable.’
Now for our usual moments of spin and therapy
As the boomerang of outrage hits Obama and his administration, Napolitano has defended the assessment AND OTHER STATEMENTS BY THE AGENCY. She has thrown in of course the psychobabble about valuing and supporting the troops….bla bla bla.
Yesterday, the nation started its wake up call and millions met, peacefully at thousands of Tea Parties. I spoke at the one in Spokane Wa, where there was 3-5000 there alone. We were all fed up to our gills and done being just angry while watching our Government violate our constitution, tax us to death, steal from future generations and continue to march against our freedoms!
Those scary “right wing extremists” all across the country will now continue their focused rage in clearly thought, organized plans to regain sanity in Government on the city, county, state and federal level.
I have scary news for this administration and congress. This is just the beginning. We will not just lie down as they paint most of us who have never committed any crimes and love our country as domestic terrorists and dangerous people to be tracked and watched. Most of us know from the playbook of Tyrannical takeovers how the people were taken over by Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler. We understand that the protectors of sovereignty and freedom must be trashed and vilified. Bring it on. The boomerang of challenged freedom only flies back at you!
Right is wrong and wrong is right
Expect as we constitutionally, legally and morally take steps in our states to save our country, that we will be called all manner of horrifying names, falsely accused of terrorism, racism and other invented slander. Did I say yet that we will be watched???UNDERSTAND THIS. WE WILL BE WATCHING YOU IN CONGRESS AND THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH ALL VERY CLOSELY TOO AS WE MARCH TO SAVE OUR FREEDOM AND COUNTRY
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