Pushed To The Brink: Americans Near Point Of Open Rebellion
Pushed To The Brink: Americans Near Point Of Open Rebellion
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Reports from coming from the United States today are showing that American citizens are nearing the point of open rebellion against their government as the Global economic crisis continues to throw tens of millions of these people out of work, while at the same time their government and banks continue to pile new taxes, fees and exorbitant interest rates at a rate unprecedented in modern history.
So egregious has the situation become for millions of ordinary Americans that today, April 15, over 800 US Cities are being faced with what are being called ‘Tea Party’ protests that the Wall Street Journal News Service states was started by “ordinary folks using the power of the Internet to organize”, and further states, “what's most striking about the tea-party movement is that most of the organizers haven't ever organized, or even participated, in a protest rally before. General disgust has drawn a lot of people off the sidelines and into the political arena, and they are already planning for political action after today.”
To the future facing these Americans, President Obama, along with financial experts, have warned that the current recession is ‘far from over’, the Moody’s investor service has just downgraded the entire United States credit rating for their States and cities, all at the same time the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is reporting a surge of US citizens unable to pay their taxes.
Even worse for these Americans is that while their Federal Government has given, and is continuing to give, their corrupt banks and Wall Street firms hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, the average US family was given a ‘tax break’ equaling a measly $13 a week, but which has been more than offset by a crushing burden of new taxes and fees that have seen their bank fees and interest rates rise to obscene levels, cigarette prices rise by $3.10 a pack, their cell phones being taxed at rates up to 33% and many cities now making these people pay for emergency services previously paid for with their taxes.
Russian economists point out that by crushing the American people with taxes, fees, fines and any other source of revenue they can think of, the United States is ‘writing its own death warrant’ as in a consumer society such as the US, when people are no longer able to afford their taxes they quit spending on everything outside of the barest necessities which then leads to the vicious downward spiral their economy is now experiencing.
The Forbes News Service is reporting that the dire predictions of these Russian economists are coming true, and as we can read: “With the economy cratering, Americans are stashing their cash and have boosted the savings rate to 5%, according to the Commerce Department, the highest rate in 13 years. That's bad news for state governments, as money being saved instead of spent cannot be taxed.”
It is interesting to note, too, that it is not just the American people who are begging to revolt against their government, but many US States are now joining what is being called the States Rights Movement which seeks to break the power of the Federal Government of President Obama and which was just joined this past week by Texas Governor Rick Perry who stated:
It does not appear, though, that President Obama is going to cede any of his or the US Federal Governments powers back to either its citizens of its States, as this past week, the US Department of Homeland Security sent out to all American military and police forces a warning document titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” that puts these tax protesters and States rights advocates squarely in the category of “terrorists” in the eyes of their government.
So frightening to these Americans about this warning document is that it now makes millions of these heretofore peaceful citizens’ terrorists, and as stated in the conclusion of the Blacklisted News Services’ report on this new assault against these peoples:
But to the coming battles against their own now ‘terrorist’ citizens, President Obama is about to gain even more frightening power, and as we can read as reported by the Electronic Frontier Foundation:
To the worst of the titanic changes these American people will undergo, however, the worst events have not even occurred, as with all historical comparisons of this type, put into their proper context, and with over 45% of the World’s wealth having evaporated in this latest crisis, and with billionaire investor George Soros stating that all of the major US banks are essentially bankrupt, and with the US Federal Reserve forced to buy American Government debt no one else in the World will now buy, it is now being reported:
It goes without saying that the vast majority of these American people have virtually no knowledge of the catastrophes about to befall them, as can also be said of all those other Nations throughout history that have failed to learn our World’s most precious secret for survival….preparation.
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