Marion Valentine April 13, 2009 at 11:01 am
Monday, April 13, 2009 at 12:32AM
Annie Hamilton in Business, Economy & Finance, Constitutional Rights, Congress, Government, History, Politics & President, Crime, Criminal Courts, Criminal Law, Immigration, Order & Punishment, Defense, Intelligence, Military, Security & Terrorism, GITMO, Morals, Religion & Values, Take Our Country Back, bailouts, barack obama, constitutional removal, george soros, impeachment, military spending cuts, stand up america, stimulus bill, the decay of america, war on terror
By Annie Hamilton
It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion, you’re hoping you aren’t witnessing a reality yet deep down inside, you realize you’re going to have a mess to deal with, a moral, financial and societal catastrophe brought to the world by liberals, uneducated democrats, Oprah Winfrey and George Soros.
Even before he was elected, the mystery man in DC brought chaos and enemies into our system.
Barack Obama added to the housing crisis by suing banks who refused to award risky loans to unqualified buyers and he worked with ACORN and others to help block legislation initiated by President Bush and Senator McCain to oversee the growing mess with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
This of course hasn’t been enough for him.
Obama is acting more like an enemy of the people and less like a protector everyday. He has essentially taken over the country on behalf of liberal moonbats, atheists, military haters, and millions of uneducated voters to support their ridiculous irresponsible “feel good” causes.
Because of Uncle Barry the money and power in this country has been shifted to the pockets of anti-American socialists like George Soros. In my opinion they are now the equivalent of enemy combatants and the intended withdrawal of $550 billion dollars from U.S. Money Market accounts on Sept. 15, 2008 proves it and reveals to everyone their intentions.
(By the way that was the same day McCain temporarily shut down his campaign so he could fly to DC to help deal with the crisis.)
Soros has attempted this before. He created havoc within Britain’s economy and was forced out for fooling with the Royal Bank of Scotland and, he did the same thing with the economy of Russia and France.
In fact he is a convicted criminal in France and has been asked to never re-enter China! All for similar reasons.
He’s a human wrecking ball, determined to implement the “Open Society” concept here in America that is eerily similar to Nazi Germany. Soros HATES Capitalism unless and until he can exploit it and then destroy it. For those who doubt that our President and his backers like Soros are intent on destroying America, let’s revisit Obama’s actions thus far:
*Obama authorized $20 million dollars to immigrate Hamas refugees to the U.S. (Once they are here, they’ll have full access to welfare benefits, education, loans and health care
*By Executive order, Obama ordered expenditure of $20.3 million for migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and ‘conflict victims’ in Gaza. This allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the U.S. on OUR dime. Obama signed this on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 9.
It is absolutely asinine to think that we won’t be the recipient of Hamas immigrants as part of this deal. Especially since they overwhelming supported to the Islamic Resistance Movement in the parliamentary election of 2006.
*Obama’s first telephone call to ANY head of state as President was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
Let’s not forget that Abbas’ real name is Abu Mazen and is a very well known former terrorist with a well established background of PLO terrorist acts. Why we are trusting him and why the Bush administration ever worked with him is STILL a mystery to me. Talking with him or the now deceased Arafat is worthless in my book. If Israel wants to, let them, but there was no reason to ever force the interaction.
* President Obama’s first one on one interview with ANY news organization was with Al Arabia television. NICE!
*Obama ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and for the military trials of all detainees to be halted. Now we know they are to be released to the general public and eligible for full benefits, housing, food stamps, and loans.
*Obama ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers to be closed.
*Obama has requested that all charges be withdrawn against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11 until they can be recharged after moving away from GITMO.
*His flat refusal to provide eligibility to hold office - why is he STILL REFUSING to provide a certified copy of his actual birth records?
*Rahm Emanuel’s ties to dirty Chicago politics.
*Obama’s refusal to support our Military: rather than act as a real leader he’s removed the words “terrorist” or “war on terror”from the official vocabulary.
* He has already cut the defense budget to miserable levels, and refuses to provide support where needed and sent a “strongly worded letter” to the United Nations upon learning of N Korea’s firing off a ballistic missile over Japan.
I am sure N. Korea is just terrified of reading his letter. NOT!
*Obama is also is ignoring the radical teachings of Islamic schools in several states like New York and Virgina which have spawned several terrorists that have planned and carried out attacks on innocents.
* Now he denies bowing before the King of Saudia Arabia when he was caught on film doing so.
These activities and acts of negligence by the current administration have NOT upheld the U.S. Constitution or shown any true respect for our Judeo-Christian way of life.
How much more do we need to experience, watch and suffer through before we the people demand REAL CHANGE in the oval office by Constitutional removal, or impeachment?
I wonder how much long “We the People” will sit back and allow the decay to continue in America be for we stand up and take our country back?
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