Marion Valentine April 10, 2009 at 12:01 pm
As Obama and his puppet masters continue to bankrupt America, will we soon see the announcement below?
America has just become a member of the Global Union Of Socialist Nation States. Before Congress voted to disband itself, nullify the constitution, and placing the jurisdiction of of America’s justice system into the hands of the International Courts, they named Mr. Obama as the sole Delegate to represent interests of the United Socialist Nation State in the United Nations. Mr. Obama’s appointment is a lifetime Appointment. Mr. Obama has picked for his advisers and policy makers,
George Soros, and the entire membership of the Democracy Alliance.
The people of America are now free from the burden of going to the polls to vote, worrying about a job, or paying taxes. You will be assigned a job by your community ACORN supervisor. Since there will no longer be any Currency, you will be issued a voucher to obtain your basic needs.
The elderly and disabled will be relocated to the new National Care Facilities being built. So you the healthy working class will no longer have the burden of caring for a disabled or elderly relative.
Since it has been demonstrated in past elections, the people of the Former United States Of America, desired a government which supplied their every need from the cradle to the grave, and which required little or no effort or thought on their part. I am sure we will have a peaceful and contented people.
All of our Military is now under the control of the United Nations, but we have mobilized a National Civilian Security Force, to maintain order, track down criminals and turn them over to the International Justice system, where if they are found guilty, depending upon the severity of the crime as determined by the International court, will be either executed or sentenced to be confined in detention work centers.
We, the United Nations Delegates to the Global Union Of Socialist Nation States pledge that all who are able to work, will work, and that those unable to work will be taken care of.
When I see our 'Prez' apologizing to European Socialists who hate us anyway, for America being what it is..I want to scream!'New and improved', quiet and docile..isn't that the way they describe a neutered dog? Well, there are a lot of Americans who refuse to go quietly into the night without a fight. The news media wanted their pet project in the White

Our economy is a shambles and all the Democrats want to do is tax us to death. N. Korea launchers a long range rocket and

Election day can't come soon enough for me.
Good honest people feel completely betrayed and are simply fed up. Obama said that we 'cling to our guns and our bibles'...Good. I'd rather cling to those then to his bogus socialism.
That was such a well written, scary article that basically expressed the fears of 1/2 of America. Obama may have one the election, but it was only with the help of biased media that made him appear like a God. He preyed on the poor, the uneducated and the inexperienced young person who has no real understanding of the world of politics. He filled peoples heads with dreams of stimulus checks and with the medias help made people feel they were racist if they did not vote for him. I personally don't feel he is even a natural born citizen of our country and it definitely not to be trusted.
He didn't, however win by a landslide, which he should have with all of the money and media help he had. Americans are not stupid and will not be fooled by this want to be Messiah. As for the polls, I wouldn't exactly trust what they say. In my area NOBAMA shirts are quite popular and will be until we get this fraud out of office. I am a democrat who would not vote for a man with such a devious background of associates and ideology. His policies will fail, but America will survive and thrive once we remove the hopeful socialist from office.
It's a great piece of writing that summarizes the feelings of many middle class citizens. Some of us hope these plans work, but if not even those who have been blinded by the rhetoric won't be able to avoid the truth of hyperinflation, across the board tax increases and a new, expanded war. Hopefully, we'll be able to reverse the damage that seems so obvious to most of us. Although some say Obama has a mandate to spend, borrow and print trillions, I don't believe he would have been elected if the plan details were publicized during the campaign. If he fails, he has done an injustice to every future minority candidate.
Don't write America off just yet. We'll get rid of this Presidential turd-bird and be back at it soon. The purpose of this election was to show the world that quota babies aren't what they are cracked up to be.
I have never, in my life. read anything as scary or disgusting as what you wrote. If this were to happen, I can only pray God will take me soon, since I will not have a life anymore.
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