Marion Valentine April 6, 2009 at 10:38 am
Impeachment for Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, Treason
Is It Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors?
By Ron Ewart Sunday, April 5, 2009
Do their crimes rise to the level of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors? Do we dare utter the “I” word? Does the future hold ….. gasp ….. impeachment for Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for the unconscionable, treasonous actions each of them has taken in the last few months to “fix” a crisis that they and their partners in crime and the previous administration and congress, created?
Is there an international cabal of money changers and power brokers that are calling the shots and Obama, Pelosi and Reid are just willing accomplices? Is there an international plan to strip America of its wealth and resources, void its constitution and eliminate its borders and its very sovereignty, to create a socialist, one-world-government, run by that corrupt of all organizations, the United Nations? Are Obama, Pelosi and Reid working to implement that plan? From our perspective, it is abundantly obvious.
The level of unconstitutional actions and power grabs by this administration and the current U. S. Congress, is unprecedented in all of American history. Even the Great Depression and the executive and legislative actions taken by the FDR administration and the then U. S. Congress, that extended that Depression by 10 years, pale in comparison to what our government is doing today.
* The firing of corporate officers; the setting of salaries of private corporations;
* The excessive taxation of a very small minority (corporate executives) to pander to an uneducated and naive constituency;
* The forced bailout by coercion of individual, private banks when no bailout was requested;
* The unconstitutional legislative power grab of all land, food production, water and energy;
* The pork-laden budgets and stimulus bills;
* The robbing of huge billions out of our treasury for foreign aid, handed over, free gratis without accountability, to despots, dictators and socialist governments;
* The purposeful placing of unreasonable limits and regulations on oil, gas and coal extraction, eliminating or over-regulating new gas, coal, nuclear and hyrdo electrical power generation and refinery construction;
* The destruction of our automobile industry with unnecessary regulation;
* The passing of CO2 emission limits and cap and trade policies to “fix” the premeditated fraud that is man-caused global warming;
* The in-adequate protection of our borders and the refusal to enforce our laws to inhibit or eliminate illegal immigration: presenting an atmosphere of appeasement to our enemies in the hopes they will “like” us;
* The establishing of mandatory youth corps service groups, with an inescapable parallel to Hitler’s Youth;
* The signing on to world environmental, commerce and financial agreements that dilute our sovereignty, giving more power to world government than the Supreme Law of the Land, our constitution
All of these acts can only be construed to be high treason. They can only be construed as powerful individuals in our government, with the motive and goal to tear down America, as the last great hope of the world and render it impotent and a third-world socialist country, in order to appease our international critics and detractors and elevate their own distorted egos.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, each with their own idea of securing perpetual power for the Democratic Party by buying off their uninformed constituency with trillions of dollars from our treasury, are doing so for their own ends and for their own self aggrandizement. They are traitors of the worst kind, as they walk among us as our friends, but appeal and pander to our weaknesses, instead of building up our strengths and defending a sovereign America as the Constitutional Republic it was designed to be.
So we are calling on all Americans who still believe in the sanctity of our Constitution and the principles of freedom and liberty, to sign our petition calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, before they destroy America, the American economy, American freedom and American sovereignty. We cannot wait for four years to vote them out of office. This is an action we can take, in concert with the tea parties that are springing up all over America. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are unabashed traitors and must be impeached ….. now!
If you would like a copy of our petition, send us an e-mail with your request to: and we will e-mail you a copy of the petition in Microsoft WORD format. Insert NARLO Form No. IPM 2009-04-009 in the subject line of your e-mail. Print out copies of the petition and take them to your local tea party and pass them around.
Let the voices of the multitudes be heard, loud and clear. Let all know that we will defend American freedom and liberty ….. or die trying.
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