Testimonial of Paul Jacobsen; The Artist Behind the Oath Keeper Patch

All of us, who have ever sworn an oath to "protect and defend", knew that we were prepared to risk ourselves for the 'greater good' of our nation and way of life. We were prepared to be among the 'few who would carry the many' ... whoever or however they may have become such.
Our oaths were couched in phrases pertaining to flags and national icons ... but in our hearts we swore those words while the images of our families, our countrymen, homes and communities were first in our minds ... as it should be, and as it will continue to be.
Anyone who would swear an oath to serve a politician or political ideal above the men, women and children who are the heart and essence of a nation do not belong among our ranks, and they deserve both our scorn and wrath.
Our oaths, in our hearts, were sworn to defend and protect a way of life that respects the value of each and every human being, and the freedom, safety and honor each one of them deserves and is entitled to ... under law, under constitution and under the God we honor.
Politicians and bureaucrats may insist that, on the basis of certain words, our oaths were to them, not to the general population ... and they would further insist that our 'words of oath' are a 'contract' to serve the desires of the state ... over and above the needs of the nation and the people who are that nation.
Not so!
The struggle that lays ahead differs from those of even recent history. Our oaths, sworn before to national concerns and safety, are now extended ...because the circumstances are extended beyond any we know in history ... because the conflict, now, is no longer with an identifiable 'enemy', in an identifiable uniform.
Instead, the 'enemy' is a shadow ... one that neither knows or respects geographical or political boundaries, one who flies no flag nor wears a uniform, and is one who hides in the dark behind front-men and paid puppets with important titles. What could define a “terrorist” more clearly?
We are told that our "enemies" are in caves in the middle east, or they are behind every corner here at home. None of whom ever seem to surface!
Those “enemies” who have surfaced, however, are clearly visible if our eyes are open.
Our real enemies are in the news each day posing as those who are our betters and saviors (according to them.) They are those who insist they have "the solutions" to the havoc we are now living through ... yet, strangely, also it is those same “saviors” who have been aggressively making that havoc worse daily!
Our enemies are closer than we think ... so ... easier to deal with them when the time comes to do so because a traitor deserves only one fate.
We have all heard that cherished military maxim ... "divide and conquer". It works ... always did throughout history.
The only defense is to "Join and Conquer." The 'enemy' we face is a globalist elite who are relying on us fighting so much amongst ourselves that we cannot see who the true adversary is ... it's them and their names are on many lists ... be they in Washington, London, Ottawa or elsewhere!
Nancy Regan once said "Just Say No" ... to mind-altering drugs. We, now, must "Just Say No" to the mind-altering politics we're being assaulted with these days.
"NO SIR! I'm an Oath Keeper" ... the words of they who know the difference between a 'lawfull' and a 'legal' order.
Be proud to be among the few who remember and know what, and to WHOM, that oath applies!
Paul Jacobsen
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