Marion Valentine April 16, 2009 at 8:34 pm
Interview of TEA Party participants on 4/15/09
Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:14 PM
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“Don Wait”
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susan.roesgen@turner.com, phil.kent@turner.com
“Marion Valentine”
Dear Ms Roesgen,
I write to express my displeasure in your opinionated interview shown on CNN during the TEA party. The people across America come from both sides of the isle e.g. Republican,Democrats and Independents who are disgusted with what is happening to our nation.
To begin with, If we are to remain a strong sovereign nation we must adhere to our Constitution. This document specifies who can qualify be the President and sets forth citizenship requirements. Many are not satisfied that Mr. Obama aka Mr.Sotero is a natural citizen and qualified to lead our nation as he has refused to display his birth certificate. Secondly, This document, the Constitution, limits the expenditure of taxpayer funds for those improvements that benefit the populas e.g. all taxpayers and not private corporations such as banks and insurance companies or automobile manufacturers.
The economic problems we face are a result of Banking lobbists buying off elected politians and changing the laws which would have prevented this present problem and many of the bankers are now in political positions which are perpetuating the identical actions that have caused this problem. The Pork Barrel spending that is occuring will bankrupt this country as we do not have the funds without borrowing more from China who will potentially own our nation. Our country is collapsing economically from within and will be communistic and owned by China if we continue on this present path of destruction. Additionally, the more government increases, the more taxpayers are enslaved taxwise until the bubble busts.
The people want smaller government, less taxes and elected officials that will follow our Constitution.
Unfortunately you apparently are too blind to see these facts and your interview was deplorable !
Don Wait
A concerned American
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