Tea Parties Make It A new Day In America
It’s a New Day in America!
It’s the day after Tax Day TEA parties, the day when rank-and-file Americans started taking America back.
As Doug in California wrote Canada Free Press (CFP) this morning. “It was a peaceful, horn honking and loud demonstration with nearly 3,000 people in attendance! It showed up as a blip on our local TV station and by reading the Drive-by media accounts, this was ALL influenced by Right Wing Radio!
“Conservative is a way of life!”
Hundreds of thousands of Americans--whose numbers are still being counted--took time out of their day to get out and pay respect to their country.
It took a long winter from January 20, 2009 to April 15, 2009 for American patriots to show for once and for all that even with the White
Unlike the left, who own the protest movement, TEA Party patriots did not scream obscenities or insult the very men and women who make it possible for every day to happen in America: the courageous US troops and their allies in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Sporting tea bags on their lapels and waving the Stars and Stripes, TEA Party throngs in huge numbers did something that Barack
Even as the Obama regime cripples the country’s economy; even though Obama bagman George Soros gloated at the human suffering in the current recession, calling it “the culmination of my lifetime”, patriots will take their country back!
It’s the day after TAX Day Tea parties, and the smug looks on Obama’s and senior advisor David Axlelrod’s faces are not quite so smug as they were only the day before.
Today Obama and Company will be tuned in to the pretend world of the Ted Turner- founded CNN News.
But not even a cult leader can deny reality forever.
Millions of Americans object to the most historical anti-American president ever elected, and they are out to take their country back against impossible odds.
This is a New Movement suppressed by the Mainstream Media.
Thank God for the Internet!
Tune in, Mr. Obama, millions of Americans smeared as right-wing extremists in your latest Dept. of Homeland Security Intelligence brief, are about to prove what real change and real hope are all about.
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