The Patriots Turn
Marion Valentine April 20, 2009 at 5:45 pm
The Patriots’ Turn
This was sent to me by a friend. I know you will be interested.
Marion A. Valentine, Oath Keeper
This following poem is to ALL Patriots who have stood and those that continue to STAND.
Deepest Thanks to all of you! What you do does count. There is a Right and Wrong. You have decided to “turn” and do what is RIGHT!
Patriots’ Turn
Out of a murky past the Usurper rose.
Unconstitutional Laws he would impose.
With minions and media they would devise.
The plot of continual spreading of lies.
And, with Congress they would meet.
Also, those upon the Senate seat.
Concocting a plan of Our Country’s fall.
It would require them to “sell out” ALL!
The Judges Courts they allow to Fail.
Wrecking the balance of our Justice Scale.
Just, for only, the Bankers Greed.
They push through Bills they do not read.
Believing they have sealed our Fate.
By telling us that it’s to Late.
But, wait! What is that thunderous sound?
So very loud, it shakes the ground.
Could it be millions upon millions of Patriots’ feet?
That is marching, ever marching to Liberty’s drumbeat.
Now, the good men will no longer ignore.
The oath of allegiance that they did swore.
Our Constitution is the key to restore.
To the erosion of Freedom WE say. “No more!”
Kim American
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"Death before Dishonor"
Great poem. Thank you.
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