(O)ne (B)ig (A)ss (M)istake (A)merica
Marion Valentine March 9, 2009 at 2:38 pm
(O)ne (B)ig (A)ss (M)istake (A)merica
Mar 09, 02:29 PM
The signs of what I call Democrat-fascism is written all over the Obama and the far left agenda – a few highlights:
A charismatic leader with great rhetorical skills and the ability to take actions that contradict his public statements with nary a compliant from the mesmerized supportive masses or complicit media.
A constant campaign to control the message through various surrogates, the so called grassroots organizations, that receive their marching orders from the Democrats, and who are funded by big money Democrat supporters.
A compulsion to stay on TV in constant campaign mode, keeping the masses Obamized and not looking at what he is doing only what he is saying.
A complicit and sycophantic media that asks no questions, except really import stuff like what breed of dog are you going to get.
Control of the educational system through favoritism to unionized teachers to indoctrinate the nation’s youth in Democrat ideology.
A victim oriented message that places blame for everyone’s problems on some smaller group – in this case the wealthy, big business, oil companies, insurance companies, etc.
Policies that endeavor to control large aspects of society. Not by direct nationalization, but by invasive regulatory government interference.
Attempts to suppress opposition and dissent – direct attacks on those who criticize or disagree, fairness doctrine, coordinated attacks on prominent popular dissenting personalities.
Promoting an all pervasive government that will manage and control all aspects of society.
Establishment of an effectively a single party political system by developing an overwhelming majority funded by tax dollars to citizens who become dependent upon those dollars.
Tailoring the justice system to the Democrat agenda system via appointment control of the Supreme Court to get favorable “interpretations” of the Constitution to limit individual rights and expand the “rights” of government.
Control of the workforce via strong connections to, and favoritism for labor unions.
Study the definition of classic fascism and leave out racism, militarism and explicit nationalization of major economic components of society, and you have Democrat-fascism.
Obama is a shrewd ideology driven demagogue who knows how to leverage his charisma and charm with populist messages. These are hallmarks shared by ALL cult leaders. A good cult leader knows how to manipulate human frailties to their advantage.
Obama is all about the messenger, Obama. Put a less charismatic figure in his position with exactly the same message, say even Hillary Clinton, and you will have much different result in popularity and support for those messages. So, you tell me which is more important to the masses, the medium or the message? Anyone here ever heard of Marshall McLuhan, “The Medium is the Message”. I can guarantee Obama has.
The reason Obama needs to be on TV constantly is because he knows his popularity will drop if his followers aren’t receiving constant doses of HIM. Without HIM, his message will wear thin, as his followers emerge from his spell.
The cult leader also needs to be in front of his followers, it’s what feeds his narcissistic needs.
You see indications of Obama’s narcissistic compulsion; his need to be like, and at the same time to be better, than previous popular leaders. He wants to be FDR, Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln and more all rolled into one. He will not succeed, because unlike all those great Americans who were being themselves, in Obama’s case, there is no there THERE.
....yes, Val, the paragraph referring to education is well known to me personally. Thank you for bringing it to attention in your site.
.....oh, and I love the Title, lol, your usual good job.
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