Marion Valentine March 5, 2009 at 10:14 am
Over the years many have entered the White House as puppets of those who wish to control all the wealth and resources of the world, none succeeded but did help move the ball closer to the goal.
Circumstances were not right, and a crisis could not be “created” that was dire enough to persuade
enough Americans to give up their freedoms to combat the crisis.
Obama is the Communist “Godfather” gone global. Franks, Dodd, Schumer and Durbin “created” the crisis with Fannie/Freddie by blocking every attempt to rein them in from 1998-2006 (it’s in the public records, look it up), Fannie/Freddie crashed in Sept. 2007, taking a few banks and AIG down in the process. The economy had started to adjust and was beginning to show some signs of improvement in Aug. 2008. On Sept 10 2008 McCain pulled 2,2 points ahead of Obama.(RCP national avg Sept.10 2008, McCain 47.4, Obama 45.2) On Sept 11, 2008 there was a 2 hour electronic run on the banks to the tune of 550 Billion, Rep Kanjorski (D) said if the banks had not been closed 5.5 trillion would have been withdrawn and the US economy would have collapsed, and within 24 hrs. the world economy. Thus a “crisis” was created that ensured a win for Obama.
Who but Obama’s Puppetmasters George Soros and the 100+ members of the Democracy Alliance have enough money in money market funds to execute such a run on the banks, and tell George Bush and the World, “Go along with our plan for Global Communist Domination, or we will collapse the world’s economy and create Global chaos.
What will be the next “Created Crisis” that will permit Obama to declare a National Emergency
which will put his Communist Puppetmaster Crime bosses in position to rape the worlds resources and people for their personal gain and power.
I sent you a message and joined this connect with friends and added the site to my blogger whatever.
Thanks Mike...If you would just keep asking people to rear "America In Peril and Planned or Happenstance
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