Marion Valentine February 28, 2009 at 1:46 pm
For the last eight years the Main Stream Media has been bashing George W. Bush and the Republicans, while suppressing any thing negative about the Democrats. Since Nov. 2003 when Obama gave the speech at the DNC, MSM has been reporting only favorable things about him while suppressing anything negative and attacking anyone who had the nerve to say a disparaging word.
It is very easy to understand why Bush’s poll numbers were so low and Obama’s are so high, but are now slipping because there are more and more people speaking out.
Try this simple brainwashing technique: Pick one of your co-workers, we’ll call him Joe, then tell the rest of your co-workers every time they see Joe, tell him he doesn’t look well, and looks as if he is sick.
I will be willing to bet that by noon Joe goes home sick.
For over thirty years our educational system has been indoctrinating students to accept the “consensus”opinion of the many, whether there was truth in the opinion or not. The Global Warming Fraud, is an example of this. This is how so many were conned into accepting the Socialist ideology drummed into our children by our schools and colleges. The MSM supports that ideology and re-enforces it.
Thank goodness there are still many Independent minded people who do not accept consensus opinions, but question everything and use all resources to get ALL the information, then based on their findings, make their own decisions. These are the truly Intellectual “Elite” in our society.
Remember, Complex things are woven for the sole purpose of deception, but the goal of intelligence is to render complex things simple. Beware of those who create “complex” problems, then propose “complex” solutions for those problems. You can be sure that the “complex” solution comes from your wallet.
Marion can be reached at madaket6@yahoo.com
I'm impressed with your in depth thinking, Marion. Keep up the good work, there are few like you who do this research. Thank you.
I know i are a gen i us LOL
According to one study conducted in [I don't have time to do the research] by [People who are being unfairly left without credit here] seventy-five percent of the population will give a response they know is wrong as long as others give the same response. The subjects were placed in a group with three actors who played as subjects. The group was shown a picture, and asked to match it with the pictures on another card, which had three photos labeled A, B, and C. The actors always answered first, and were told ahead of time to all say the same (wrong) answer. The result: after the third repetition of the test, seventy-five percent of the subjects gave the same wrong answers as the actors.
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