Marion Valentine February 18, 2009 at 9:37 am
Freedom of Choice, Fairness Doctrine, Rights of the Child
Obama and this congress offer Socialist, Marxist cogs in the change wheel!
By Dr. Laurie Roth Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Already we are seeing the Socialist, Marxist cogs in the change wheel manipulating away our freedoms and money. Congress and this President have wasted no time from the executive orders to the manipulative speeches and attachments on the ‘stimulus’ bill that insult and betray the American people.
Don’t you love the endless speeches and statements by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama regarding the URGENT need to pass the stimulus bill or our country will go down in heaping flames? Naturally, we all understand the EXTREME emergency choices added to the bill such as $650 million for digital TV coupons; $99,600 for doorbells in Laurel, MS; $3,450,000 to ‘rehabilitate’ sidewalks in Alexandria, VA; $500,000 for a dog park in Chula Vista, CA; $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees; and how could we forget Nancy Pelosi’s favorite: $30 million to restore wetlands in the San Francisco Bay region of course to save the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse. There is too much ridiculous fat and nonsense that has been thrown into this rape bill to even mention here. If you want a longer list of the absurd, read Frank Salvato’s Feb 13th article at
What is the change agenda of this administration and democrats in congress? It is becoming vividly clear already the goal is socialism and Marxism. Freedoms have to boldly go while control has to dramatically grow in all areas for this to happen. Surely no one will notice. After all, half the country wanted change! The other half can be seduced and distracted into silence…….or can we?
Karl Marx said it first: Marx stated that Socialism is not a form of government but is a state, a policed and engineered state in which a nation takes on while in “Transition” from a Capitalist to a Communist society while the “Communist Utopia” is the ultimate desired outcome of the full transition; a world with no police, no property, no religion, no classes, even no need for government, no war…a fantasy land of everlasting harmony…”From Hitler, Socialism and the Racial Agenda” Justin Stamm, The Epoch Times.
What are the sucking sounds draining our freedoms and setting us up for this new world?
Freedom of speech must be controlled and severally dampened!
Watch the Fairness Doctrine reemerge with a different name and directly attack conservative and Christian talk radio. Senior FCC staff have already been having meetings with policy and legislative advisers to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman. They are pondering ways to create openings for the FCC to place the Fairness Doctrine back into existence without really calling it that. Freedom loving Waxman is also looking at controlling the Internet. I guess there is too much freedom of speech there as well.
The Fairness Doctrine crowd hides behind “diversity” and “freedom of speech” terms when in reality it is Government censorship and communist behavior at it’s finest. Liberals and progressives have always had the same freedoms to speak and do shows with all kinds of media. They already dominate in the media with NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS on and on. Then there is the endless domination with print media. It isn’t conservative Talk Radio’s fault that the liberal talk radio network has crashed and burned. It is however, most typical that the far left progressives can’t face their business failures but instead must try and murder the competition and promote a dictatorship heralding their opinions and side only.
On the larger Governmental level, this Government wants talk radio muted into silence because they and the Internet are the last real place for freedom of speech where the masses can actually be heard. Talk radio is a grass roots entertainment media where folks and their concerns can still be rallied and directed. That is most threatening to a Government that wants more control and socialism! Watch this fight unfold.
Another cog in this anti freedom train is nationalized health care.
We have seen the beginning of nationalized health care deceitfully attached to the stimulus bill with no national discussion on it. The critical part of this nightmare already is that the language changes the treatment terms in Medicaid and Medicare from what is thought of as safe and effective to “cost effective.” They model their new formula for figuring out this new conditional care on age and cost. They will divide the cost of treatment by the number of years the patient will likely benefit.
Do you all get it yet? That means you are in deep water if you are older!!! Is this not age discrimination and actual denial of needed health care and payment for our baby boomers? Beyond that, is this not another way to assert control over the country and economy by wiping out the greatest generation, the baby boomers who have fought to defend our freedom, constitution and country? Now that they finally enter retirement and need paid medical care, we will thank them for all their service by making life a costly, non-treatment oriented, living hell? Health care control will kill people!
Another freedom suckage sound is taking away parents rights?
Dr. Michael Farris of recently came on my show and reminded us of the UNCRC, The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Sen. Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton and others are supportive of this nightmare. Boxer has asked for a 60-day timeframe for review so the Senate can move toward ratification of the UNCRC. Not really hearing about this on the news, you may be wondering what is the big deal with securing children’s rights. As with the other freedom suck age attacks, this is not what it seems. If ratified, all states and parents across our land would have to submit to international law. Spanking would instantly become illegal. Give a love pat to your unruly child and you could lose your child. Making your children go to your church would be considered abuse if little Joey didn’t want it. The bottom line is that someone in Geneva would run your family, not you!!! Courtrooms would be filled and children would be yanked from wonderful, God-fearing homes.
Once again, you certainly don’t want children growing up with morals, guidelines and parents. The state…..excuse me…..the international community knows better! is trying to campaign for a constitutional amendment protecting parents rights from international meddling. I can’t believe anyone in our congress would be for such a betrayal to parents and frankly, children! We need you to help fight with this one!
What else has Obama been talking about with this congress that will suck away freedom?
FOCA, Freedom of Choice act. We can all scream and yell about abortion. To me it is murder at any age, but regardless as to how you deal with this issue, FOCA would force any Doctor anywhere along with even Catholic hospitals to give abortions. It would also trump all state laws rendering abortion or partial birth abortion illegal. Once again, we see a total disregard for states, rights, hospitals rights, Doctors rights, voters rights…..FOCA is evil and communist at its core!
There are too many cogs unraveling our freedoms to cover them all in this paper, but watch for more lies and increased taxes designed to stop global warming and control carbon emissions. Neither of which are real, but instead are excuses for Government control and stealing.
Finally, prepare for more manipulation, regulation, taxation and idiot rules to be thwarted on the gun industry. Watch for persecution against gun shops and gun shows. Further, we will see restrictive, protective devises on guns that are in homes, demonizing certain types of guns and using information like mental health records and medical records to keep people from being able to get guns. This push is already happening. Just research the voting record of Obama regarding guns and who he has appointed for attorney general, Eric Holder. This man is a living nightmare regarding gun control. Aggressive gun control always morphs into place when you are trying to manipulate a republic into a Marxist Government. Freedom doesn’t work but Big Government does.
It’s called Marxism and will eventually be communism if we don’t fight these freedom and constitutional encroachments to the best of our abilities! This is not the time for you to sit and watch. Call your congressperson and senator and follow the issues closely.
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