Planning the takeover of the world...
Imagine you were the leaders of a criminal group and realized that justice was closing in
on you and that your only chance to escape it is to prevent the true justice from existing at all.
Then of course, when such state-run criminal enterprise takes hold of one, two, three etc.
countries, which as such, in common ideology, agree to cooperate, then the work begins to
bring its [always evil] fruits, namely when the conscience of such criminals is non-existent,
that is, it is of no consequence to such evildoers to have any conscience at all nor any remorse
for their criminal actions.
This is the essence of communism.
But to explain it little more, one has to consider that the rank-and-file communists do believe
that the ideology is good and that what they do [to implement it world-wide] is honorable, and
they fully support what the Party orders, because they are constantly being brainwashed by the
communist ideological indoctrination that what the Party says is sacred, and that there can be
no deviations - period.
Then, let us consider again, when this kind of communist bloc gains strength, military and
diplomatic also [as sickening as this is, yes, this is already considered a victory by these
criminals - western diplomatic recognition, through which they can spread covertly their evils
abroad...], what is needed for such evil to make the victory certain [temporal victory that is....]
we will discuss in this work - how they will have to do it.
When taking over the world, Russian communist planning had several directions to go
through, namely these following:
1) Demoralization of the opponents and wide-spread long-term sabotage of morals,
historical truth [religious values, education etc.] and justice.
2) Carefully concealed and today superior Russian communist military strength
and WW3 preparedness.
3) Covert communist takeover of the press to prevent any true analysis from coming
out and give warning.
4) World-wide communist propaganda promoting "peace" and "peaceful
coexistence" in order to gain time to strike a decisive blow.
5) Wide-spread promotion of pacifism and of false, purposely by communists manufactured "facts" and scenarios of a nuclear war with the idea to discourage
any substantial military preparedness of the enemy, including that of his general population.
6) Covert takeover of western economy by communist front companies with the
purpose to sabotage, take over and destroy the enemy's military ability to resist.
7) Takeover of entire governments, including the intelligence, military, legislative
and judicial sections, to prevent them from hampering the progress of any
communist operation.
8) Sabotage, takeover and destruction of the whole system of enemy government
and public life.
9) Communist revolutionary struggle, operational detachment of covert agents
and the Party members within the enemy territory before, during and after the
communist takeover.
Marion can be reached at
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