Judi McLeod Nails it Again
In the Crayon Politics of the “color-the-porkulus-out-of-the-picture” Dem style, the DNC has launched a send-a- message-to-Rush Limbaugh-billboard campaign.
The billboard, DNC promises, will go up on a billboard in El Rushbo’s hometown--West Palm Beach.
Comically they even got that wrong. Limbaugh lives not in West Palm Beach but in Palm Beach, where there is an ordinance against signage.
Guess Jen O’Malley Dillon, who went off half-cocked, doesn’t know about Google maps.
But the geographically challenged Dillon and her billboard may be a foil for someone else.
That someone else is the also geographically challenged Democratic Senatorial College Committee (DSCC) executive director J. B. Poersch, who sent out a bevy of emails--including one to Canada Free Press (CFP) yesterday calling Rush
Canada is that country to the north of you, Mr. Poersch.
At the same time that Dillon launched her billboard “contest”, Poersch launched a petition: “Rush Limbaugh is too extreme for America. Tell Senate Republicans to reject his disgraceful words.”
“This is just some radio host mouthing off. Rush Limbaugh is the leading voice of the Republican Party. Make no mistake. When Rush says jump, congressional Republicans say how high?
“That is why today I am asking you to join me in telling Senate Republicans to go on record and declare their independence from Rush Limbaugh. Your comments will be sent to Republican leaders,” Poersch wrote in his email.
According to Poersch, even though from the day he entered office, President Obama has extended his hand to Republicans in a spirit of bipartisanship and asked them to work with him to solve America’s problems, “thus far, they have preferred to kowtow to extremists like Limbaugh rather than accept the good faith outreach of our president.”RINO (Republicans in Name Only) detractors will be surprised to know that “Senate Republicans can begin working with our president to tackle the defining challenges of our time or they can continue pandering to the narrowing and increasingly irrelevant angry right personified by Rush Limbaugh.”
Some must ponder if the right is so “increasingly irrelevant” why Dillon and Poersch are throwing hissy fits.
It must be the angst obvious in the accusation: “For years, Republicans have been taking their marching orders from Limbaugh. In 1994, they named him an honorary member of Congress. Leading national Republicans have called him, “a great leader”, “a great American”, and “the number one voice for conservatism” in our country. Other than the last, those descriptions we all know belong to The Messiah”.
But the last line in the Poersch email truly defies belief...”But when people like Limbaugh start dictating the behavior of Senate Republicans and begin jeopardizing the future of America; it is time for an intervention.”

The latest Blame-it-on-Rush distraction from the Dems destroying America should earn them a new logo to replace the donkey with Caligula’s horse.
In a scene all too familiar to today’s Washington, the Roman Emperor Caligula made his favorite horse a senator.
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