Monday, March 9, 2009


Obama is Unifying the Nation Against Washington DC

By JB Williams Monday, March 9, 2009

According to only 16% of the nation strongly disapproved of Barack Hussein Obama on the day of his inauguration. That number has since become 32%, doubling during his first six weeks in office.

Not even all those who approved strongly on inauguration day, still approve today, that number dropping from 41% to 38%.

This most likely has a lot to do with the fact that Obama and Pelosi’s Obamanomics adventure into Marxism, has already cost average Americans nearly $3 Trillion in lost investments and savings, as the DOW lost another 30% of its values just since the day Obama was elected.

$4 Trillion in Marxist Social Engineering efforts, all at overtaxed taxpayer expense may have something to do with it too.

News Flash!

It took leftists seventy years of deficit spending to put the nation a trillion dollars in debt. It took Obama and Pelosi less than six weeks in power to quadruple that number while killing off any hope for a free market recovery of the economy.

Meanwhile, some of the most reliable employers in the nation are headed for bankruptcy court, unemployment has shot from the Bush high of 5% to over 8% and climbing, as the nation, the world braces for the worst economic storm on record. Now that’s making history the hard way!

I thought people were full of hope, that Obama change would right all wrongs instantly?

Who Believes Now?

Does it look like investors believe in Obama change, as they continue to flee from the market in massive numbers, taking what profits they can as they head for foreign free markets that still reward investment instead of penalizing it?

How about employers; are they gearing up and hiring new employees in preparation for the greatest economic comeback in history? Or, are the laying off employees as fast as they can in an effort to survive certain economic collapse, as the “messiah” rushes to grab federal control of industry after industry?

Did Obama voters really think that private investors would risk their personal capital on Obama Marxism? Did they really believe employers would hire while they were under attack from an administration that sees profit and private enterprise as something evil?

As is indicated by the drop in strong approval from 41% to 38%, a few of them are beginning to see the error of their vote, albeit a bit late. Moderates willing to give them a chance have already had a change of heart, with 32% now counted among those who strongly disapprove.

A Couple More Weeks

Obama is on track to make real history. By the two month anniversary of his inauguration on March 20th, the strongly opposed will equal the strongly in favor, as the DOW continues its slide towards a 40% drop in value since Obama was elected. Unemployment pushes towards 10% and manufacturing companies, one after another, either seek bankruptcy or taxpayer funds to stay afloat.

I assure you, no elected official in world history has ever gone from messiah to moron in public opinion polls, so fast. The rising star has become a falling meteor headed for ground, in just two short months.

But he is Unifying the Nation

Unfortunately for him and Pelosi, they are uniting the nation in violent opposition. His overall approval rating has already dropped from 67% on inauguration day to 56% today, an eleven point drop in less than six weeks in office.

His overall disapproval rating is now 43%, up from 32% on inauguration day, another eleven point shift in the wrong direction. Combined, Obama has experienced a 22 point negative swing in less than two months in office, his approval down 11 points and his disapproval up 11 points. That is indeed “historical!” No new president in history has ever lost public confidence so fast. Not even Jimmy Carter…

Give him a couple more weeks…

Uniting Against Obama/Pelosi

Any notion of real bi-partisan support from Republicans in congress is laughable now. It’s quite clear that Obama was not serious about a real spirit of bi-partisanship. He only wants to force congressional Republicans to join in their march to socialism. They have NO interest in policies that any real Republican would ever freely support.

More than 32 states have now introduced resolutions reclaiming state sovereignty and states rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the US Constitution. It’s not hard to figure out what they are thinking…

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

It’s time to remind the federal government that they exist at the pleasure and benefit of the states and the people, not the other way around, as Obama and Pelosi seem to think.

Bob Schulz and his Continental Congress 2009 initiative at, is gaining steam.

“As part of CC 2009, delegates selected by the People from each of the fifty states will convene to discuss the Government’s ongoing violations of the Constitution and develop strategies the People can employ to peaceably curtail the abuse and restore Constitutional Order. Although these violations have been widely debated for years, it is the Government’s patent refusal to respond to any and all First Amendment Petitions for Redress that now compels the People to justly and actively resist the tyranny.”

Michelle Malkin’s Tea Party has grown into a nationwide tax revolt initiative over at

While the rest of the economy is in the tank, Obama and Pelosi have certainly caused record sales in one industry, guns and ammo…

While the DOW has lost more than 30% of its value since Obama was elected, libertarian Lew Rockwell reports, “Smith and Wesson and Ruger, the only two publicly traded US gun makers, have experienced major increases in their stock prices. Ammo manufacturers are running 24/7 attempting to keep up with demand. Military-pattern semi-automatic rifles, including AR-15’s and AK-clones are expensive, stocked-out, or both.”

In fact, as the rest of the stock market lost 30% of its value, these two company stocks are up 30% in value since Obama was elected. Obama has sure united gun enthusiasts… which I’m sure explains Obama’s campaign interest in a new civilian army to rival the existing military, which is not likely to ever take up arms against American civilians the way ACORN Black Panther types would at Obama’s command.

Watch What You Wish For...

66 million voters wanted change and they sure got it! They should have stopped long enough to ask what kinds of change before blindly lining up in lockstep behind the same anti-American Marxists who caused every problem we face today. If you don’t know what I mean, read Congressional Democrats Bankrupted the Nation.

College kids still living on mommy and daddy’s nickel, elected this childish administration of, by and for wide eyed children. They wished for a leader who could “unite the nation” and they sure got what they wished for, because no leader has ever united the nation so fast.

But Obama is uniting the nation in what could soon become violent opposition. Talk of tax revolts, tea parties, states rights, a new continental congress, and even armed insurrection or state-by-state secession from the union, are all underway across this land.

Governments around the globe, including here in America, are preparing for “civil unrest” as the new Marxists in control drive the free economy out of business.

United We Stand

...Against Marxism, federal tyranny, more taxation without real representation and the nationalizing of industry after industry. We stand against more insane government growth, which only represents more government waste of private earned property via leftist social engineering.

In short, the nation is coming together, but in opposition to Obamessiah, rather than in support of…

The people who voted for Obama were only voting to gain access to other people’s wealth and prosperity. But the people coming together across this nation are coming together to put down the rising tide of Marxism, one way or another.

Freedom-loving Americans are angry and they are searching for ways to take their nation back from the overbearing idiots in Washington DC. They will do it peacefully if they can find a peaceful means. If not… well, they are clearly preparing to do it the hard way of they have to.

There are indeed peaceful options available today, if the people will only realize it and use them. Time is running out however. Once the enemy has had time to amass, train, fund and position its troops across the country, no peaceful solution will be available to the people. Freedom will be purchased only by blood at that point.

In this way, Obama and Pelosi immediately leaping off the leftist cliff will serve the nation well. It will unite Americans of all political affiliations like nothing else but another terror attack could.

Will the people act while they can and while there is something left to save? Democratic Socialists are in a rush to use their power while they have it. Americans will have to get in a rush of their own to stop them while there is still something left to save…

The DOW lost ($2,743.80) or -22.7% of its values from the time that Democrats took control of congress in the 2006 mid-term elections, until Obama was elected Resident. The DOW has lost another ($2,747.11) or another -29.4% just since Obama was elected and if you think more Marxist policy announcements will help, you have not been following market reactions to Obama policy statements.

We the people have lost ($5,490.91) or -52.1% of our investments and savings since Democrats took control of Washington DC…

How low must the DOW go before Americans realize that unbridled Democratic Socialist control of Washington DC IS the problem, not the solution? How will the people react, once they figure it out?

Obama and Pelosi are unifying America.... In what will soon become violent opposition


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