Talk of civil unrest leading to civil war, state-by-state secession from the union, a new Continental Congress aimed at enforcing the letter of the Constitution, replacing the two anti-American political parties with one of 50 others equally uncontrollable, Tea Party demonstrations, and more than thirty (30) state legislatures reclaiming state sovereignty light up the Internet daily. Gun and ammo sales are at an all-time high, even as every other business sector is driven into the dirt by outrageous Marxist policies rammed into law, hour after hour.
Clearly, the people are in the mood to revolt against an increasingly dangerous enemy of the state, now in full control of the fed… Though willing to try anything to stem the tide of Marxism coming out of Washington DC today, it’s clear that the people are overlooking the one viable peaceful option still on the table.... It’s imperative that you understand - complex problems always require simple solutions.
Marxism Won’t Work, Without YOUR Money!
To whom it may concern,
Enclosed you will find my completed federal tax return for the tax period 2008, in accordance with all current federal tax laws. However, I regret that I will be unable to include payment at this time for the following reasons;
I believe that the federal government is currently engaged in unconstitutional efforts to confiscate the earned wealth and property of some Americans against their will, in order to “redistribute” that wealth to others who helped them gain political power, which creates a breach of constitutional trust and authority, leaving many Americans in a position of excessive taxation without proper legitimate representation.
I believe the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to be an illegal, illegitimate president on the basis of Article II Section I of the US Constitution which states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;”- and until such time that Barack Hussein Obama comes forth with complete records to prove beyond any reasonable doubt, his constitutional eligibility for the office he seeks, I cannot in good conscience fund what I believe to be an illegitimate government.
I believe that the 2008 election was rife with campaign and voter fraud, resulting in an illegitimate outcome which leaves the entire future of the United States in great doubt. Until such time that proper investigations into campaign, campaign funding and ACORN voter fraud are initiated and completed, I cannot in good conscience fund what appears to be an illegitimate government operating of, by and for, itself.
I do not in any way seek to “evade” any legal legitimate tax obligation which is afforded within the scope and powers of the US Constitution, nor do I refuse to meet those obligations once the government has taken the appropriate measures to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it is a legal constitutional government seeking to collect only constitutional taxes for the sole purpose of constitutional expenditures.
By filing my 2008 tax return in accordance with current tax related laws, I believe myself to be in compliance with both the letter and the intent of the US Constitution and all legitimate tax laws.
Under the First Amendment of the US Constitution, I also believe it is my right as an American citizen, to refuse payment until such time that my grievances can be fully addressed and my confidence in my federal government can be fully restored.
In accordance with the US Declaration of Independence which states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” –
I believe that the US Federal Government has indeed become “destructive of these ends,” and it is on this basis that I claim my legal right, my civic responsibility, to withhold funding until such time that confidence in a constitutional federal government can be fully restored. Until then, I will be supporting only my state and local governments under Amendments Nine and Ten of the US Constitution.
The American Taxpayer
[NOTE: I am neither a lawyer nor a tax professional, and as a result, I offer NO opinion as to the legality of the ideas expressed in this column. Please seek the advice of your personal tax professional before adopting this method of protest.]
Forget Petitioning Members of Congress!
Petitioning your members of congress is not only a waste of your valuable time, it’s laughable!
Marxists running the people’s House march in lockstep and they do not need a single Republican vote to pass anything they want, as they have so cavalierly demonstrated daily during the six very expensive weeks since Marxists seized unbridled control of Washington DC.
Even if your Republican House members wanted to do something for the American people today, they have NO power with which to do it.
The US Senate has been a bastion of anti-American sell-out elitists ever since the 17th Amendment eliminated state representation of the state legislatures. Marxists only need a few Republican votes to pass whatever they want in the Senate now. As we have seen, members like Specter, Snowe and Collins, who are better ideologically aligned with leftists than Republicans anyway, can be counted upon to foster in Democratic Socialism, just as if they were members of Obama’s administration.
There is nothing that congressional Republicans can do for us now…
Let YOUR Money Do the Talking
As former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once pointed out, socialism is a good idea until you run out of other people’s money.
Like the military tanks and planes that silently rot and rust on the battle field once cut off from the fuel supply required to turn them into weapons, Socialism is dead the moment it runs out of other people’s money. The American people have the power to make them run out of money, right away.
Rather than waiting for the federal government to bankrupt every American under the false guise of some “greater global communal good,” the people, specifically the American taxpayer, the half of Americans already footing the bill for the other half of Americans, must bankrupt Washington DC. Nothing else will stop them.
In short, we must make sure that the Marxists run out of other people’s money, before they can even get their plot off the ground…
Imagine 30 Million Copies of the Above Letter at the IRS
What would happen if the IRS received thirty million (30,000,000) copies of the above letter, instead of a check with the 2008 tax returns? Can you even begin to imagine? 69 million Americans voted for Obamanation. What if 60 million who voted against it, refuse to fund it?
If one, ten or even a thousand people tried this, they would all be charged with a crime of some sort, by leftists now in desperate need of those funds. But what if a million, or ten million or thirty million sent the letter instead of a check?
When only a few try it, it’s called “tax evasion.” But when millions do it, it’s a “tax revolt.” BIG difference!
What faster way to shut down the march to Marxism than to cut off the money supply it must have to advance? Can you think of a more peaceful means to evoke real change in Washington DC and force an about face in the current rush to destroy free market America, one so-called “stimulus package” at a time?
Do Washington politicians listen to anything more than the ringing of the cash register? Or in this case, the deafening silence thereof...? Your vote isn’t their power, your money is.
You Want to See Obama’s Birth Records?
Obama has thus far been successful in keeping his birth, college and passport records under lock and key, despite countless legal efforts to force the “transparency president” to become transparent about his life. The press and even the courts have provided cover.
But how does he hold on to that position when thirty million Americans refuse to pay their taxes until he proves he’s a legitimate president? When the federal government can’t even cover next week’s payroll because he won’t release his records, what happens next?
If you truly believe the current leadership in Washington DC is doing the nation more harm than good, why would you continue to fund that effort with your hard-earned money?
If you are fed up with your federal government “wasting the labors of the people under the false pretense of taking care of them,” - ask yourself, what would Thomas Jefferson do?
Words vs. Deeds
It’s fine to be outspoken and outraged at the systematic destruction of our country today. But mere words are meaningless unless you are prepared to back those words up with deeds…
If you are one of many angry Americans truly ready to upset the apple cart in Washington DC and return the power to the people, then for heaven’s sake, realize that you already hold that power… He with the gold has the power to make the rules. For years you’ve been sending your money without making any rules. If you want Obama to make the rules, by all means, give him your money (read: power). If not…
It’s YOUR money! Use it wisely....
To stop the nonsense in Washington DC, simply stop funding the nonsense in Washington DC. Imagine the worldwide headlines, “Americans Refuse to Pay for Obama Spending Spree!” – “Obama Still withholds Life Records in Face of Nationwide Tax Revolt!” – Washington DC Bankrupted by Tax Revolt!” – “Obama Unable to Fund Marxist Agenda!”
By the way, don’t kid yourself… If you don’t have the backbone to fight with your wallet, you don’t have the backbone to spill blood in the streets in the name of freedom. If you won’t fight via peaceful civil disobedience, you won’t fight with your precious Second Amendment either.
“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson
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