Friday, March 13, 2009


By Ron Ewart Friday, March 13, 2009

imageWho are these people? If a foreign enemy wanted to do America in as a sovereign nation, what better way to do it than to do it from within, without a shot being fired? What better way could there possibly be to destroy a country than by using the political power of those in power?

Who could have devised such a diabolical plot to render impotent the most powerful nation on earth, than through the evil combination of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and what appear to be the traitors that follow them? Who could put their hand on the Bible and swear on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and then set about to dismantle the very foundations of our freedom contained in the document they swore to uphold? What explanation for this seeming contradiction, can there be?

Who are these people? Even before Obama took office as President of the United States, Pelosi in the House and Reid in the Senate were setting the stage for the overthrow of the U. S. Government, the Constitution and the unalienable, individual, God-given rights of its citizens by legislation and appropriation. Within 50 days in office this cabal of traitors has systematically passed every damn liberal law they could not pass when Republicans retained the power of the filibuster. Within 50 days, these grandest of all thieves, have pillaged the wealth of the current generation by sacking the treasury and mortgaging the wealth of proceeding generations, with trillions of taxpayer dollars for every pet liberal project they could throw into their bottomless pork barrel. Within 50 days, these purveyors of evil, these narcissistic bunglers have shoved down the throats of the American people, a litany of unconstitutional initiatives for the sole purpose of locking up the power of the Democrats for decades to come, by buying votes from naive, ignorant and uneducated Americans, using money they don’t own, nor have they earned.

Who are these people? Within 50 days, Obama has broken many of his openly false campaign pledges of transparency and efficiency in government. He has rolled over in continuing Washington DC’s out-of-control pork mentality, even though he pledged to rein it in. He lied! Within 50 days, these out-of-touch keepers of the political power switch have done everything within their power to morph America into a third world country. They are either attempting to cut off, or were successful in cutting off the lion’s share of our known energy sources and forcing Americans to suffer the indignities, inefficiencies and high cost of alternative energy, like wind and solar, when America is brimming with crude oil and coal supplies.

Who are these people? Within 50 days, they have essentially and unconstitutionally nationalized the banking and automobile industries. They are trying by stealth to tear asunder our second amendment rights. They are trying to control our food production. They are expanding the environmental bureaucracies to the point that private landowners might just as well as give their deeds to the federal government and kiss their 5th Amendment rights goodbye. On top of that, these village idiots are instituting CO2 emission limits and cap and trade initiatives for a natural problem over which we have no control, at a cost that will break the backs of many of our industries and force the taxpayer to pay for it. And worse, they are emasculating our very sovereignty by passing treaties like the Law of the Sea Treaty and adopting UN policies without debate or ratification. They are joining with other governments in the pursuit of the one-world-order for a global solution that they caused. They are cavorting with and appeasing our enemies, that have sworn to see us in Hell, along with all of our “friends”.

These are traitorous acts by our gutless leaders, to the ideas and principles of freedom and liberty. These acts give aid and comfort to our enemies. These acts are the precursor to our enslavement. These acts should make every American furious with their government. These treasonous acts by our arrogant leaders, demand action, and now, by all who consider themselves responsible and self-reliant Americans of any stripe, who ultimately must bear the growing burden of government’s negligence, corruption and treason.

But these traitorous actions by government aren’t new. It has been repeated over and over again, throughout our entire civilized history. In 42 BC, over 2,000 years ago, Marcus Tullius Cicero, a well known orator and statesman of Rome said this: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

A murderer is less to fear, indeed!

We know that these are harsh words, but upon examination of the first 50 days of the Obama presidency, we can only conclude that the perpetrators, this enemy within, as described by Cicero in 42 BC, must be traitors to all that is sacred in our American Constitutional Republic. But we were not surprised. Based on Obama’s past experience and associations and based on the political history and philosophical bias of Pelosi and Reid, what is now transpiring in these first 50 days, was totally predictable.

You ask, what can we do to thwart these traitors?

We can shout from the rooftops, “Arise the American Silent Majority”. Arise freedom-loving people everywhere. Arise and take your rightful place as the Consent of the Governed and destroy this wall of government tyranny forever. If you care about retaining the constitution in perpetuity for you, your children and your grandchildren, if you care about defending the Bill of Rights in that constitution and if you care about assuring that America remains a Constitutional Republic, rise up and let your voice be heard, or forever hold your peace, because slavery is your future.

Arise and join in the new American Tea Party in your area. They are springing up everywhere. Or become a part of the mail-a-tea-bag-to-your-congressman initiative, taking place on April 1st, 2009. Join in NARLO’s ”National Awareness of Freedom” day on April 15th. Participate in Restore the Republic’s ”Operation Walk the Talk”, also on April 15, 2009. You can learn more about these events by logging onto our website at, or viewing our newest YouTube video.

But there is more that we can do. We can write letters to the editor. We can take part in local, state and federal politics. We can attend, when possible, local and state public hearings, council and commission meetings, or legislative sessions. Tell ‘em what you think about their plans for you and yours. Learn what your lawmakers are doing, because when you are not there, they do whatever they or the lobbyists damn well please and they have been doing it for a very long time.

All across America the crescendo of freedom and liberty is rising and it is growing more intense every day as more Americans see for the first time, what the enemy within is doing. With the power of the “many”, the Silent Majority, we shall defeat this enemy, as we did 232 years ago with a reborn “Declaration of Independence” and the rising cry of Liberty. We are fighting for the very survival of freedom and liberty. Failure is not an option!


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