By: Marion Valentine March 12, 2009 at 1:30 pm
Obama has surrounded his life with neo Marxists, socialists, anti American communists, anti Semitic racists
We must make Obama and congress listen
By Dr. Laurie Roth Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This administration can call it whatever they want, rescuing our country with this exploitive bailout, trying to recover from the Bush administration and horrible policies, or having to have drastic Government spending and intervention due to our dire financial challenges. Most of us get it though. It is nothing more than following the rulebook of socialism and plans for a Government take over while we are distracted by endless crisis.
Obama has surrounded his life with neo Marxists, socialists, anti American communists, anti Semitic racists and bold and happy terrorists. Either there is a ridiculous amount of niativity in Obama’s efforts, education and career as he has tried to find himself or he is methodical, brilliant, organized, connected and unfolding systematic plans to infuse his neo Marxist worldview on the U.S.
This is not new, socialism, neo-Marxism and the slippery slope to communism. We have seen this religion, obsession and grand manipulation infiltrating our country, boldly since the 60s and before. Obama surrounded himself with influences and people like Richard Cloward and Francis Piven who were radical socialists and Columbia Professors, talking and teaching for years about overthrowing capitalism by overloading our Government with a sea of impossible demands and pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. They were known for the “Cloward-Piven Strategy.”
Not only did Obama dig Cloward and Piven, but we all know about his connection and friendship with Bill Ayers, who only recently has been touring around the country talking about education to Universities. He is only the arrogant terrorist formerly with the Weather Underground who blew up people and buildings…..oh yeah and who wanted to take over the country and put people in internment camps, murdering millions more if necessary. According to the FBI informant who I have interviewed, who was implanted in the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers was never just an innocent war protestor!
The green slime continues. Then there is the connection and huge influence of radical, socialist organizer Saul Alinsky and Mr. Porno and Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. The more you look at the endless friendships and associations you see anti Americanism, radicalism and socialism. Why would you shape your career and life around these types of people if they didn’t in some way reflect your beliefs and worldview? You wouldn’t, but he did and does!
The anti-Semitic, socialist, radical activist, pro communist anti gun and extreme abortion fans surround Obama’s new administration and first executive orders.
He has already pushed to manipulate without national discussion, health care payment changes, regarding Medicaid and Medicare, from safe and affective treatment to cost affective treatment. Now our Government will decide treatment by dividing the cost of the treatment by the amount of years a client will benefit from the treatment. Let’s put a target in the middle of our senior’s heads shall we?
Obama’s administration is in the process of nationalizing banks, trying to manipulate into place national, rescue programs for states, hooking them into paying for a ton more, Government controlled entitlement programs that effect state budget bottom lines for years. This is why over 34 states have sought bills protecting their 9th and 10th amendment rights. Most states don’t want the over reaching federal Government to have control over their state, budget and decisions.
Is it clear yet?
We have an administration that is totally committed to abortion, HUGE government and socialism, spending money we don’t have and controlling more of our speech, gun rights and health care. It’s all unfolding in just the first two months.
We the people must organize, decide that freedom is worth fighting for and get busy!
If you love your country, freedom and constitution as I do, help me make a continued impact.
No more excuses with not finding out about the bills being pushed and snuck through congress. Get informed. Your country really does depend on you!!!
Call, fax, email and mail your Representatives in Congress and the Senate.
Call your Congressmen at (202) 225-3121
Call both your Senators at (202) 224-3121.
Let them know that you will hold them accountable and will push hard to get them thrown out of office if they vote yes on any bill that denies states rights, violates our moral heritage, sovereignty and violates our bill of rights and constitution.
Things to watch and call on as they unfold! You must call, fax and scream about the issues listed below. Organize your family and friends. We need you.
Fairness Doctrine. Watch for changes in verbiage to “localism” “diversity” issues. This would stop conservative talk radio shows and Christian radio shows with absurd censorship and controls!
FOCA - Freedom of Choice act. Obama is marching aggressively forward as he said he would before he was elected. He is a huge abortion fan. FOCA once implemented will force hospitals and all doctors into giving abortions whether they want to or not. All states would have to submit to FOCA regardless as to whether the people had already voted Partial birth abortion or abortion as illegal in a particular state.
S22-Controlling land grabs. Land grab attempts keep coming and use manipulative, environmental language, like clean water act and wet lands protection. The latest effort at massive land control and change is S22. This is a Harry Reid Sneak Attack. It is the one with the 32 million acre National Landscape Conservation System included. There is nothing pro environment about it. IT IS PRO GOVERNMENT CONTROL!
Rights of the Child – This is a bill Senator Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton are big on. It is being pushed through the UN and would trump all states rights. The bottom line is that it would be a crime to spank your child. Your child would have more rights than the parent. Welcome, the Government and international community raising your kid. This would destroy families in America.
HR 45 - Gun Rights will be endlessly challenged. Rep. Bobby Rush has introduced HR 45, a gun registration bill that would force every gun owner in the U.S. to register every single gun in the house, of course pay a fee per gun and have to do it every 5 years. If you didn’t, you could face up to 8 years in prison. Authorities would also have the right to look at your mental and medical health records and search your home without a warrant. Any questions? So far, this nightmare HR 45 is in committee but it should be in the toilet.
Stimulus Bill with billions of dollars of waste, greed and pork!!! Do I even need to mention the obvious waste and violation in this nightmare? It is nothing more than an entitlement bill and acting out therapy session for Democrats who are squeezing into the nearly 1200 pages of greed, every program and pay off they have wanted for decades when they weren’t in control.
We are just starting folks. There will be many more, fast and furious bills of socialist change. Names on the bills are consistently changed and manipulated when too much heat has come on the authors. Well then, lets send them LAVA and watch them dance around!
Fax congress and the President. Go to faxdc.com Flood congress with faxes. They have several pre written, well-done faxes prepared and will send them for pennies each to each member of the house and the senate. Let them hear us and get annoyed with tripping over thousands of faxes on their way to the water cooler.
Phone them on the above issues and others that are unfolding and get your friends to do the same! Congressmen – 202-225-3121 and Senators – 202-224-3121.
Keep reading real news and study real issues at:
HYPERLINK “http://www.homelandsecurityus.com” http://www.homelandsecurityus.com
There are many more resources you should be connected with but these will get you started. God bless America!
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