My friend, the internationally famed climatologist, Dr. S. Fred Singer, calls them “the CO2 wars.” It is the last ditch attempt by the Greens, under the aegis of the Obama administration, to declare carbon dioxide a pollutant and thus open the door to its regulation.
Singer says such regulation “would be the equivalent of an atomic bomb directed at the U.S. economy—all without any scientific justification.”
I am increasingly of the opinion that the main goal of the Obama administration through CO2 regulation, exploding deficits, punishing taxation, and any other means at their disposal is the destruction of the economy and the complete control of impoverished Americans.
Governmental gangsterism
This is an administration that exists to impose an Orwellian socialist utopia after the smokescreen clears.
When it comes to CO2, Obama, his so-called science advisors, and the Environmental Protection Agency are all lying. It is governmental gangsterism.
As reported in The Wall Street Journal, “The Environmental Protection Agency has sent the White House a proposed finding that carbon dioxide is a danger to public health, a step that could trigger a clampdown on emissions of so-called greenhouse gases across a wide swath of the economy.”
Here are a few things you need to keep in mind about carbon dioxide:
- CO2 is not a “pollutant.” It is a trace gas necessary for all life of Earth because it is essential to the growth of all vegetation.
- Without CO2 all vegetation—grasses, forests, jungles, crops such as wheat, corn and rice—dies. Then herbivores die. Then you die.
- The CO2 produced by human industry or activity is a miniscule fraction of a percentage of greenhouse gases. It constitutes a mere 0.038% of the atmosphere.
- The oceans emit 96.5% of all greenhouse gases, holding and releasing CO2 as it has down through the millennia of Earth’s existence.
- In past millennia, CO2 levels were often much higher than the present.
- CO2 levels rise hundreds of years after temperature rise on planet Earth.
- The Sun is the primary source of warmth on Earth. Rising CO2 is an effect of global warming, not a cause.
- Both global warming and cooling are natural phenomenon over which humans have no control.
- The Earth is not currently warming. It has been cooling for a decade and likely to continue for at least another twenty years or longer. If a new Ice Age is triggered, it will last at least 10,000 years.
- Polar ice is now at record levels and still growing.
If you had a choice, would you prefer a warmer or colder Earth?
And consider this, if only the United States was to significantly cut its CO2 emissions, how much effect, if any, would that have in a world where most other nations, including China and India, have no intention of doing so? Both are exempt from the UN Kyoto Protocol. The answer is zero!
The EPA proposal is not about science. It is about power and it is about money. As the Wall Street Journal noted, “The administration has proposed a cap-and-trade system that could raise $646 billion by 2019 through government auctions of emission allowances.”
The federal government, though the aegis of the EPA, would have control over the destinies of an estimated 13,000 facilities if this regulatory obscenity were to become law.
“Coal-fired power plants, oil refineries and domestic industries, such as energy-intensive paper, cement, fertilizer, steel and glass manufacturers, worry that increased cost burdens imposed by climate-change laws will put them at a severe competitive disadvantage to their international peers that aren’t bound by similar environmental rules.”
Such industries would flee the United States as the most toxic place on Earth in which to do business.
This would be the fulfillment of the Obama administration’s goal and explains in part why this new assault on science, industry, and common sense has been put forth by the EPA.
One of the best sites for information about carbon dioxide is ilovemyco2.com
I recommend you visit and browse through its extensive data.
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Good article....in the words of Glenn Beck..it just makes blood shoot out my eyes!!When will the walking dead wake up and stop being such dopes?
"I am increasingly of the opinion that the main goal of the Obama administration through CO2 regulation, exploding deficits, punishing taxation, and any other means at their disposal is the destruction of the economy and the complete control of impoverished Americans."
I'm relieved to see this opinion increasing in number. The awakenning to the POSSIBILITY of malice is infuriatingly slow.
Even Conservative radio only tend to act as pacification of due action!
We've never had any such luxery to "give him a chance" devoid of checks and balances!
Let alone the luxery of making the destruction of the U.S an interesting friggin fasionable talking point!
But those opposition who arent gullible looney left, useful idiots are anti-Americans themselves by my count and they are MANY.
The anti-U.S. outside the country have been working their mushy brains over for about 6 years. A concerted effort, and some of our "allied" news organizations are no such thing. I won't mention any names, but their initials are BBC.
Peak national damage before idiots wake up might already be past a very vicious point of no return without a miraculous conservative comeback.
Thank God we're Americans, brother.
Your co2 facts are wrong...The polar ice amounts are not at record levels. Stating that co2 is not a "pollutant" and that it is necessary for life means nothing in your context. Would you like to be in a room with only co2? I don't think so. What kind of ridiculous argument is this?
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