Marion Valentine March 29, 2009 at 10:42 am
The article below outlines the sleazy attempts by Obama’s Puppet Master George Soros, and the Socialist organizations he sponsors to use distortions and outright lies to try to strong arm advertisers
into pulling advertising from the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX news. From my experience with chatting with liberals, and the comments they leave on my posts, and in e-mails, they think only they should have freedom of speech.
The indoctrination of the densely populated areas of northeastern, northern, and western states into accepting Socialist ideology and that someone or something else is responsible for their situation. This demoralization process is complete in the areas mentioned above, creating a mentally immature “victim” mentality that must have a NANNY to care for them, because they are no longer able to think or do for themselves. This type of “group think” has been harder to push in the rural areas, and in the heartland of the country, because people in these areas are used to thinking for themselves, looking out for themselves and their neighbors.
“To educate a man in mind and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society.”
(Theodore Roosevelt)
Hopefully more of the Silent Majority will speak up and take action to stop this slide into Global Socialist/Marxist Domination, which is shredding our Constitution, bankrupting our country, and enslaving our future generations with debt that can never be repaid.
“That to secure these rights Governments are Instituted among men. Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new Government.”
(quote from the Declaration of Independence)
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” (Abraham Lincoln)
By Matthew Vadum Sunday, March 29, 2009
An affiliate of the George Soros-funded think tank and pressure group, Center for American Progress (CAP), has emulated the sleazy Media Matters for America by becoming a media critic.
Claiming to be outraged at the aggressive news-gathering techniques of Bill O’Reilly’s team, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization that grew out of CAP, rejoiced Friday after getting UPS to stop advertising on “The O’Reilly Factor.” The Fund released this statement on its Think Progress website:
In response to our Stop Supporting The O’Reilly Harassment Machine campaign, UPS told us yesterday that it was investigating whether to continue supporting O’Reilly’s show. “We are sensitive to the type of television programming where our messages and presence are associated and continually review choices to affect future decisions,” spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg told us.
Today UPS announced it will stop advertising on O’Reilly’s show. Here is the statement UPS emailed out just moments ago:
Thank you for sending an e-mail expressing concern about UPS advertising during the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News. We do consider such comments as we review ad placement decisions which involve a variety of news, entertainment and sports programming. At this time, we have no plans to continue advertising during this show. [emphasis in post]
I regret I missed this anti-Bill O’Reilly campaign until it struck gold. The campaign also claims to have elicited responses from Capital One, AT&T, and Ford.
I’ve never been a fan of ambush-style interviews but sometimes in the news-gathering process the approach is justified as a last resort. Surely nothing the O’Reilly team has done is any worse than anything done by myriad leftist commentators such as Michael Moore and journalists such as Geraldo Rivera and the team at “60 Minutes.”
The whole campaign by the CAP Action Fund seems like a cheap publicity stunt that has the added benefit of hurting the revenues of a prominent right-leaning TV commentator perhaps with the ultimate goal of removing him from the airwaves.
Incidentally, both CAP and Media Matters are funded by Soros’s Democracy Alliance, a billionaire’s club that is funding a drive to turn America into a European-style socialist country.
CAP is a well-funded machine that has aspirations of becoming a “Heritage Foundation” of the left. It has an approximately $25 million annual budget and took in $64,681,960 in donations from 2003 through 2006, according to its tax returns.
The CAP Action Fund, 501(c)(4), may be legally separate from CAP, a 501(c)(3), but both have roughly the same goals: pushing liberal, Big Government
CAP funds the CAP Action Fund directly. It gave $1,796,235 in “grants” to the CAP Action Fund in 2007 alone, according to the CAP 2007 tax return.
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This is so true. The liberal bias in schools has been going on for years --- ever since the 1960's. By now liberals have infiltrated Congress, he mainstream media, college campuses and nearly every phase of American life. Obama is headstrong into finishing the indoctrination process. Capitalism is under attack daily as is the American Constitution. As a teacher of history for 33 years, I saw this bias creeping in more and more in textbooks, student newspapers, and the like. Did you see on Fox News this morning that Cindy Shehann (sp?) has a full page colored photo shot in a high school history text, saluting, for God's sake. She said earlier that she was going to go down in history with her protests and thought, "You're crazy, Lady." But there she is. What an insult to our brave warriors who have fought for America's freedom. I am going to write a blog message on his as soon as I can calm down and get my thoughts more coherent. Hang in there, Marion. America desperately needs patriots like you. My problem is time. I wanted to write 4 or 5 blogs from this morning's news and just don't have time. Carol
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