By: Marion Valentine
March 4, 2009 at 12:43 pm
By Marion Valentine USN(disabled)
I was in Navy Intelligence for nine years, and this is how I was taught to analyze Intelligence.
You can put a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle under a microscope, analyze it, dissect it, and still would have no idea what the completed puzzle would look like.Most people will focus on a single event as a separate entity, and think when they understand it, that they have the whole picture.
That is not the case, the failure of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, just a small piece, the bailout another, the run on the banks another, all big pieces but just a small part of the overall picture.
To put together the outline (or border) of the picture (puzzle) of where we are today, you must reach back to the year 1948 to pick up a few pieces, then move forward through the years gathering pieces that fit together perfectly
As you move through the years gathering pieces you add to the inside of the border until you get close to the present time. Pieces of current events matched together soon leaves
you with a small part of the overall picture that is still not complete. Future events will eventually print those pieces, but if you have correctly matched all the pieces to this point, you will be able to determine the overall theme of the picture.
That is what I did in my Article America In Peril, to outline and match the pieces (events, Public records) through the years to get the picture of how the United States has moved towards Socialism. In my article Planned or Happenstance, I conclude the overall theme
is Global Communist domination.
I ask you who read this, read America In Peril, Do your own research, and add or take away from the picture I have put together, but you must only use documented public records which will justify adding or removing a piece, remembering public records are permanent, and cannot be dismissed because you don’t like their contents.
Then I ask you to read Planned or Happenstance and see if your conclusion of the overall theme matches mine.
I hope I get tons of email with your ideas.
Marion can be reached at

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March 4, 2009 at 12:43 pm
By Marion Valentine USN(disabled)
I was in Navy Intelligence for nine years, and this is how I was taught to analyze Intelligence.
You can put a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle under a microscope, analyze it, dissect it, and still would have no idea what the completed puzzle would look like.Most people will focus on a single event as a separate entity, and think when they understand it, that they have the whole picture.
That is not the case, the failure of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, just a small piece, the bailout another, the run on the banks another, all big pieces but just a small part of the overall picture.
To put together the outline (or border) of the picture (puzzle) of where we are today, you must reach back to the year 1948 to pick up a few pieces, then move forward through the years gathering pieces that fit together perfectly
As you move through the years gathering pieces you add to the inside of the border until you get close to the present time. Pieces of current events matched together soon leaves
you with a small part of the overall picture that is still not complete. Future events will eventually print those pieces, but if you have correctly matched all the pieces to this point, you will be able to determine the overall theme of the picture.
That is what I did in my Article America In Peril, to outline and match the pieces (events, Public records) through the years to get the picture of how the United States has moved towards Socialism. In my article Planned or Happenstance, I conclude the overall theme
is Global Communist domination.
I ask you who read this, read America In Peril, Do your own research, and add or take away from the picture I have put together, but you must only use documented public records which will justify adding or removing a piece, remembering public records are permanent, and cannot be dismissed because you don’t like their contents.
Then I ask you to read Planned or Happenstance and see if your conclusion of the overall theme matches mine.
I hope I get tons of email with your ideas.
Marion can be reached at
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