By: Marion Valentine
March 20, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Most of you know how the military uses smoke screens to hide their movements. You also know that they send out scouting patrols to locate the enemy,and examine the terrain.
If you have been keeping up with the MSM headline stories for the last 60 days and had the foresight to look behind the smoke screen, you may have noticed the Obama administration slowly moving towards their real goal.
The dust up Rush Limbaugh, the AIG bonuses, were just smoke screens behind which they were doing things that will ensure the total collapse of the US economy and possibly the World economy.
The scouting parties: Mentioning that disabled Veterans would have to use Private health care insurance to pay for their treatment, met too much resistance and was abandoned. The idea to shred used casings of certain caliber ammunition so they could not be reloaded met the same fate, But while we were focusing on the smoke screen(The headline MSM stories) they slipped in every Socialist program they could in bills that very few read.
In 1966 two Socialist professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Pliven, at Columbia University published an article that outlined how to create a crisis to advance Socialist Objectives. They were inspired by Marxist organizer Saul Alinski. ACORN is another group that uses the Cloward/Pliven Socialist Tactics of creating a crisis.
TOTUS (Teleprompter Of The US), I refuse to call him POTUS, his Puppetmasters, Rockefeller, Rothschild, George Soros and the 100 plus members of Democracy Alliance, and ACORN are working 24/7 at a breakneck pace to push policy to “create” the next big crisis.
What could be the next big crisis?
The next crisis could be the complete collapse of the US economy, or it could come in the form of a terrorist attack that would be far more devastating than 9/11.
Click on the link below and watch the video.
Why the rush?
The next big crisis must happen before the 2010 elections, because the way the Poll numbers are falling the Democrats will less popular than a stray cat at a dog show.
The crisis must be so dire, there will be little or no resistance when TOTUS declares a National Emergency and imposes Martial Law.
What is the real goal of TOTUS and his puppetmasters.
The goal is to turn the U.S.A. into a Communist Dictator controlled nation, and ultimately just a Nation State member of the Global Union of Socialist Nation States.
All world banks, all military,(France has already turned control of their Military over to the UN) all Universal Health care, all education and monetary policies will be controlled by the United Nations. Domination of the worlds resources, wealth and people by the “elite” ruling class will be complete.
You may ask, what about the Muslim Countries.
Since most of the Muslim countries are almost totally dependent on oil for their economy, The Global Union of Socialist Nation States will drill for every drop of oil and natural gas. Mine every lump of coal. Flood the market with cheap energy and bankrupt the Muslim countries, forcing them to join and comply with the Global Union of Socialist Nation States.
Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist(disabled)
Marion can be reached at madaket6@yahoo.com

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March 20, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Most of you know how the military uses smoke screens to hide their movements. You also know that they send out scouting patrols to locate the enemy,and examine the terrain.
If you have been keeping up with the MSM headline stories for the last 60 days and had the foresight to look behind the smoke screen, you may have noticed the Obama administration slowly moving towards their real goal.
The dust up Rush Limbaugh, the AIG bonuses, were just smoke screens behind which they were doing things that will ensure the total collapse of the US economy and possibly the World economy.
The scouting parties: Mentioning that disabled Veterans would have to use Private health care insurance to pay for their treatment, met too much resistance and was abandoned. The idea to shred used casings of certain caliber ammunition so they could not be reloaded met the same fate, But while we were focusing on the smoke screen(The headline MSM stories) they slipped in every Socialist program they could in bills that very few read.
In 1966 two Socialist professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Pliven, at Columbia University published an article that outlined how to create a crisis to advance Socialist Objectives. They were inspired by Marxist organizer Saul Alinski. ACORN is another group that uses the Cloward/Pliven Socialist Tactics of creating a crisis.
TOTUS (Teleprompter Of The US), I refuse to call him POTUS, his Puppetmasters, Rockefeller, Rothschild, George Soros and the 100 plus members of Democracy Alliance, and ACORN are working 24/7 at a breakneck pace to push policy to “create” the next big crisis.
What could be the next big crisis?
The next crisis could be the complete collapse of the US economy, or it could come in the form of a terrorist attack that would be far more devastating than 9/11.
Click on the link below and watch the video.
Why the rush?
The next big crisis must happen before the 2010 elections, because the way the Poll numbers are falling the Democrats will less popular than a stray cat at a dog show.
The crisis must be so dire, there will be little or no resistance when TOTUS declares a National Emergency and imposes Martial Law.
What is the real goal of TOTUS and his puppetmasters.
The goal is to turn the U.S.A. into a Communist Dictator controlled nation, and ultimately just a Nation State member of the Global Union of Socialist Nation States.
All world banks, all military,(France has already turned control of their Military over to the UN) all Universal Health care, all education and monetary policies will be controlled by the United Nations. Domination of the worlds resources, wealth and people by the “elite” ruling class will be complete.
You may ask, what about the Muslim Countries.
Since most of the Muslim countries are almost totally dependent on oil for their economy, The Global Union of Socialist Nation States will drill for every drop of oil and natural gas. Mine every lump of coal. Flood the market with cheap energy and bankrupt the Muslim countries, forcing them to join and comply with the Global Union of Socialist Nation States.
Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist(disabled)
Marion can be reached at madaket6@yahoo.com
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