LIBERALS WAKE UP, You worship a false idol
Marion Valentine March 31, 2009 at 10:06 am
By Mark Harvey Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It never ceases to amaze me that when anyone dares disagree with your basic and average liberal democrat, whether they be and R, a D or some flavor of an Independent, the ones daring to disagree are classified as “radicals.”
Nothing could be further from the Truth. As in Islam, the only “radical” Muslim is the Muslim not practicing Islam. Those that are practicing Islam are the ones advocating rape, murder, torture, death to the infidels, etc, etc, etc. The same applies to the criminal elements in America that have convinced a great many people that the United States Constitution doesn’t go far enough in granting absolute power over the serfs.
The United States Constitution is explicit - the federal government is pretty much toothless with the internal affairs of the nation, plain and simple. I know that is an over simplification but that’s how it is. What we have currently, built upon past usurpations of the constitution by unconstitutional federal statutes and those that wear their black nightgowns to work (calling themselves judges), is an unconstitutional federal government. The United States Government has already been overthrown. That much is obvious.
Why else would it be that when anyone asks about the constitutionality of a certain law or policy, the person asking the question is attacked as being a radical or must be sniffing glue? It would be ideal if the ones asking the questions were given chapter and verse of the constitution where the authority of the law or policy is reconciled with. Seeing that this isn’t going to happen, we must take our country back from the usurpers of the USG and our beloved constitution.
All of the Neo Marxists must be rounded up, placed in prison or deported to the socialist nation of their choice. If I wanted to live in a socialist nation, I would have moved to France decades ago. Why do the socialists always come to a thriving nation and try to rebuild the failed policies of socialism and communism of which, their ideologies and principles and practices have been dismal failures everywhere they have been tried?
Death to the ideologies of Neo Marxism and may it rot in hell where it belongs.
No, the radicals are the Neo Marxists, socialists and communists in our nation because not one single tenet of either can be reconciled with our United States Constitution. Not one. Prove us wrong - it isn’t possible but do try.
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