When I first started researching Obama and his associates two years ago. I thought He was just a puppet for the Socialist who wanted to gain control of this country.
The more I researched and connected daily events the more I became convinced that it is a plan by Communists for world domination.
My back ground for research: I spent nine years in Navy Intelligence, the last six of which was spent in studying past actions, current actions by the Socialists and using the best intelligence available predicting what the future actions and outcomes would be.
In a previous article “America In Peril” In past events I listed the background of Frank Marshal Davis (Obama’s mentor) The goals of the Communist Party USA as entered in the Congressional Record In June, 1963, to illustrate how many of those goals had already been accomplished, and to show that one of the goals was to recruit and train selected people to run for office. I added transcripts of an interview with Yuri Bezmenov (a KGB agent who defected in 1970 and taped the interview in 1984) to show how the goals had been accomplished.
I Linked Obama to the New Party which is just another name for the Communist Party usa, and posted a press release from the New Party showing that indeed Obama was a member when he ran for the Illinois Senate seat.
Next I listed the provisions of the Biden Crime Act, and a list of Executive Orders, that when envoked will virtually give Obama Dictator status.
Recent events lead me to believe that the plan is far more reaching than just turning America into a Socialist country.
The blockage of any attempts to regulate Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac by the Democrats from 1998-2006 ensured they would crash, which they did in Sept. 2007. But the most telling of all events was the 2 hour run on the banks in Sept. 2008 to the tune of 550 billion dollars.
Democrat—Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania said that if authorities had not closed the banks, $5 ½ TRILLION would have been withdrawn from US banks, which would have caused the collapse of the US and within 24 hours the collapse of the world’s economic system.
Who but Obama’s Puppetmasters George Soros and the 100+ members of the Democracy Alliance have enough money in money market funds to execute such a run on the banks.
There is nothing illegal about withdrawing one’s own money from the bank, but this much at one time caused panic, at the precise time John McCain had just pulled a couple of points ahead of Obama in the National Polls.
Was this the Puppetmasters warning to the world and to George Bush, that if they did not accept a Global Socialist world Order their economy would collapse.
Planned or happenstance
You Decide
Marion can be reached at
Interview with Trevor Loudon from New-Zeeland.
Topic: Uncovering Obama’s Communist Ties and the Communist Organizations that groomed and backed him.

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When I first started researching Obama and his associates two years ago. I thought He was just a puppet for the Socialist who wanted to gain control of this country.
The more I researched and connected daily events the more I became convinced that it is a plan by Communists for world domination.
My back ground for research: I spent nine years in Navy Intelligence, the last six of which was spent in studying past actions, current actions by the Socialists and using the best intelligence available predicting what the future actions and outcomes would be.
In a previous article “America In Peril” In past events I listed the background of Frank Marshal Davis (Obama’s mentor) The goals of the Communist Party USA as entered in the Congressional Record In June, 1963, to illustrate how many of those goals had already been accomplished, and to show that one of the goals was to recruit and train selected people to run for office. I added transcripts of an interview with Yuri Bezmenov (a KGB agent who defected in 1970 and taped the interview in 1984) to show how the goals had been accomplished.
I Linked Obama to the New Party which is just another name for the Communist Party usa, and posted a press release from the New Party showing that indeed Obama was a member when he ran for the Illinois Senate seat.
Next I listed the provisions of the Biden Crime Act, and a list of Executive Orders, that when envoked will virtually give Obama Dictator status.
Recent events lead me to believe that the plan is far more reaching than just turning America into a Socialist country.
The blockage of any attempts to regulate Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac by the Democrats from 1998-2006 ensured they would crash, which they did in Sept. 2007. But the most telling of all events was the 2 hour run on the banks in Sept. 2008 to the tune of 550 billion dollars.
Democrat—Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania said that if authorities had not closed the banks, $5 ½ TRILLION would have been withdrawn from US banks, which would have caused the collapse of the US and within 24 hours the collapse of the world’s economic system.
Who but Obama’s Puppetmasters George Soros and the 100+ members of the Democracy Alliance have enough money in money market funds to execute such a run on the banks.
There is nothing illegal about withdrawing one’s own money from the bank, but this much at one time caused panic, at the precise time John McCain had just pulled a couple of points ahead of Obama in the National Polls.
Was this the Puppetmasters warning to the world and to George Bush, that if they did not accept a Global Socialist world Order their economy would collapse.
Planned or happenstance
You Decide
Marion can be reached at
Interview with Trevor Loudon from New-Zeeland.
Topic: Uncovering Obama’s Communist Ties and the Communist Organizations that groomed and backed him.
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