A United Nations Mandate? GPS Marking EVERY Front Door - Part II
By JB Williams Thursday, May 7, 2009
On April 29, 2009, I released Part I of this column, which resulted in a firestorm of interest in the story behind current Census Bureau efforts to capture and record the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the United States. World Net Daily is leading with that story today… Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door.
The story blasted around the Internet within hours of its release, drawing millions of readers and thousands of comments from both Obama and ACORN supporters, and Americans already fearful of a corrupt and possibly unconstitutional government, clearly running wild with unbridled power. By 24 hours later, even the Census Bureau in DC was reading the column.
Obama and ACORN supporters were quick to offer a nasty laundry list of excuses for why Obama and ACORN had a need (and a right) to create a database of GPS coordinates for every American citizen. One idiot named Steve actually claimed that the US Constitution requires Obama to mark your door with GPS coordinates.
Of course, Americans still waiting to see a copy of Obama’s birth and college records feel quite differently…
Obama nuts can’t seem to grasp the significant difference between an armed prison guard and an armed prison population. They claim that since Bush had access to weapons, that Obama, Emanuel, Clinton and ACORN should too… in the name of “fairness” and “equality.”
But a close personal buddy, a retired Marine to be exact, made it quite clear why Americans should be alarmed by this administration having access to a pop-gun, much less nukes and GPS coordinates for every home in America.
He wrote… “This would be an impressive list of accomplishments, if we were talking about Stalin’s Soviet Union, North Korea, or Chavez and Castro....”
* Census takers sent out before the Census with GPS to “mark” every home
* DHS Lexicon identifying every American Patriot as a potential “domestic terrorist”
* Seizing of Banks
* Firing of CEOs in the private sector
* Forcing Auto Manufacturers to turn controlling stock interest to the UNIONS which ran them off a cliff
* Threatening Chrysler’s Bondholders with “The Full Force of the White House Press Corp” if they didn’t capitulate to the UAW and Obama
* Spending more paper “Debt” money than all American President’s combined, guaranteeing the US Dollar’s eventual collapse
* Eviscerating the Nation’s Intelligence Services, and instilling fear by releasing the names and faces of interrogators to the media
* Threatening “Show Trials” of the Bush and Cheney
* Releasing Guantanamo Jihadists onto American streets
* Canceling the F-22. That was really damaging. F-22 was the revolutionary replacement for the thirty year old, aging airframes of the F-16, F-15 F-18, and C-17. No more Air Dominance
* Kissing up to every Dictator on the planet
* Allowing Iran and North Korea to develop nukes
* Allowing Pakistan nukes to potentially fall into Taliban hands
* While vowing to “Unilaterally Disarm” the US nuclear arsenal and demanding the same of Israel
* Vowing to sign a UN treaty which will command all Americans to surrender their firearms
* Sending Tax Evader in Chief Geithner out to “aggressively” go after average American tax payers
* “Hate Crimes” legislation creating Special Classes of Citizens with more rights than others, ending “equal Protection," and threatening Christian Priests & Pastors who quote G-d’s law against homosexual behavior with prison
* The crowd from the 68’ Chicago riots is running America off a cliff with madmen like Ayers and Soros, the high priests of Liberal Fascism, as “Spiritual Advisors." And the list goes on and on...
Unfortunately, this has all happened in America – just in the last 100 days!”
My Marine buddy had it right. And so did a Navy buddy of mine, who wrote,
- “This is simply a blatant, no possible good reason, invasion of privacy. God forgive me, but as ex-Navy Fire Control Tech who was responsible for programming and launching the U.S. Navy’s various missiles and gun systems, the first thing that popped into my mind when I read this article, was you cannot program a Tomahawk or Harpoon missile with an address, but you can with a GPS coordinate.”
After reading my buddy’s mail, I’m beginning to understand what Obama and his DHS don’t like about the American military… It’s hard to sneak all of this anti-American crap past these folks! As for Obama nuts… let me point out that if the Census Bureau tries mailing your survey to the GPS coordinates they are marking on your doorstep, nobody will receive the survey. They need a street address, not GPS coordinates… ya dummy!
Then, another friend sent me what she found this morning…
It turns out that Obama, ACORN and the US Census Bureau are not the only folks interested in the GPS coordinates for every home in the USA.
In a United Nations Report dated September 2004 titled, Integration of GPS, Digital Imagery and GIS with Census Mapping, the United Nations Statistics Division announced –
“The recent technological developments, including new high-resolution sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS), Internet and World Wide Web services, are revolutionizing cartography, surveying and mapping in fundamental ways:” - “For the past decade, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has been promoting the development of geographical information systems for population and demographic statistics in developing countries through technical cooperation projects supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), training workshops, and technical publications.”
Despite Fed assurances that “the Census Bureau cannot share any private information about you with anyone else,” a lie parroted by every leftist Obama minion under the sun, including in the mainstream press, the GPS coordinates marking taking place in America today is a project being coordinated with the always reliable and pro-American United Nations, and we should assume, all of it’s member nations...
Besides, an administration anxious to expose all of America’s “TOP SECRET” intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies and programs, would hardly consider the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the U.S. to be a matter of “national security...” Would they?
As the United Nations report suggests, this program had been quietly underway for a “decade” as of September 2004, when the report was issued.
This means that the GPS marking of every home in the U.S. taking place today was put in place sometime in 1994, during the first Clinton administration, likely while Democrats controlled congress. And of course, it also means that the GPS coordinates are NOT a “top secret” database to be used only by the US Census Bureau… anymore than only the US Military can use Google Earth.
According to the UN report from 2004, the program was originally designed to get a better handle on populations in “third world” nations where it is very difficult to know much of anything about what is going on within those nations. You can view the entire document for yourself here
But it was quickly turned into an effort to develop a “worldwide” GPS grid and today, with the partnership between the Obama administration, the United Nations, the USA Census Bureau and ACORN—it is clearly evolving into much more… Author of Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky, would be proud, I’m sure of it!
Maybe since Obama is fast turning America into a “third world nation,” U.S. citizens must comply with all United Nation’s programs designed for “third world nations?”
Such as the pending International U.N. Anti-gunTreaty, which Obama has promised to sign, trumping US Constitutional Second Amendment rights?
But this is exactly the kind of event that many Americans expect will ignite a second American Revolution.
Active and retired members of the military and law enforcement across this country are gathering at places like the http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/ reaffirming their oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, going so far as to list 10 specific executive orders that they will refuse to follow, if Obamanation continues on its current path to a national emergency.
It’s why private gun and ammo sales have been through the roof for the last six months. It’s why state legislature after state legislature is rushing to reclaim state sovereignty and states rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in our Bill of Rights. These are the very people described in Obama’s DHS Reports as “rightwing extremists” and “potential terrorists.”
What strikes me as odd is how Americans will arm up, restate sacred oaths and reclaim state rights, while allowing the very people they worry about, to mark the front door of every private home in America with the same GPS coordinates used for guided aerial munitions… not to mention a plethora of invasive modern surveillance technologies…
American citizens worried about such events sound a lot like the very people described in recent Obama DHS reports, referred to as “rightwing extremism?” - DHS Extremist ‘Lexicon’ Yanked by Napolitano
Once again, I encourage people to do the research and draw their own conclusions. In my opinion, a laundry list of coincidences like this is never a coincidence. But you research and decide for yourself. Still think there is nothing to that crazy GPS conspiracy theory? I hope you decide it soon!
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JB Williams Most recent columns
JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. JB Williams’ website is jb-williams.com/
JB Williams can be reached at: JB_Williams@comcast.net
Older articles by JB Williams

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On April 29, 2009, I released Part I of this column, which resulted in a firestorm of interest in the story behind current Census Bureau efforts to capture and record the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the United States. World Net Daily is leading with that story today… Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door.
The story blasted around the Internet within hours of its release, drawing millions of readers and thousands of comments from both Obama and ACORN supporters, and Americans already fearful of a corrupt and possibly unconstitutional government, clearly running wild with unbridled power. By 24 hours later, even the Census Bureau in DC was reading the column.
Obama and ACORN supporters were quick to offer a nasty laundry list of excuses for why Obama and ACORN had a need (and a right) to create a database of GPS coordinates for every American citizen. One idiot named Steve actually claimed that the US Constitution requires Obama to mark your door with GPS coordinates.
Of course, Americans still waiting to see a copy of Obama’s birth and college records feel quite differently…
Obama nuts can’t seem to grasp the significant difference between an armed prison guard and an armed prison population. They claim that since Bush had access to weapons, that Obama, Emanuel, Clinton and ACORN should too… in the name of “fairness” and “equality.”
But a close personal buddy, a retired Marine to be exact, made it quite clear why Americans should be alarmed by this administration having access to a pop-gun, much less nukes and GPS coordinates for every home in America.
He wrote… “This would be an impressive list of accomplishments, if we were talking about Stalin’s Soviet Union, North Korea, or Chavez and Castro....”
* Census takers sent out before the Census with GPS to “mark” every home
* DHS Lexicon identifying every American Patriot as a potential “domestic terrorist”
* Seizing of Banks
* Firing of CEOs in the private sector
* Forcing Auto Manufacturers to turn controlling stock interest to the UNIONS which ran them off a cliff
* Threatening Chrysler’s Bondholders with “The Full Force of the White House Press Corp” if they didn’t capitulate to the UAW and Obama
* Spending more paper “Debt” money than all American President’s combined, guaranteeing the US Dollar’s eventual collapse
* Eviscerating the Nation’s Intelligence Services, and instilling fear by releasing the names and faces of interrogators to the media
* Threatening “Show Trials” of the Bush and Cheney
* Releasing Guantanamo Jihadists onto American streets
* Canceling the F-22. That was really damaging. F-22 was the revolutionary replacement for the thirty year old, aging airframes of the F-16, F-15 F-18, and C-17. No more Air Dominance
* Kissing up to every Dictator on the planet
* Allowing Iran and North Korea to develop nukes
* Allowing Pakistan nukes to potentially fall into Taliban hands
* While vowing to “Unilaterally Disarm” the US nuclear arsenal and demanding the same of Israel
* Vowing to sign a UN treaty which will command all Americans to surrender their firearms
* Sending Tax Evader in Chief Geithner out to “aggressively” go after average American tax payers
* “Hate Crimes” legislation creating Special Classes of Citizens with more rights than others, ending “equal Protection," and threatening Christian Priests & Pastors who quote G-d’s law against homosexual behavior with prison
* The crowd from the 68’ Chicago riots is running America off a cliff with madmen like Ayers and Soros, the high priests of Liberal Fascism, as “Spiritual Advisors." And the list goes on and on...
Unfortunately, this has all happened in America – just in the last 100 days!”
My Marine buddy had it right. And so did a Navy buddy of mine, who wrote,
- “This is simply a blatant, no possible good reason, invasion of privacy. God forgive me, but as ex-Navy Fire Control Tech who was responsible for programming and launching the U.S. Navy’s various missiles and gun systems, the first thing that popped into my mind when I read this article, was you cannot program a Tomahawk or Harpoon missile with an address, but you can with a GPS coordinate.”
After reading my buddy’s mail, I’m beginning to understand what Obama and his DHS don’t like about the American military… It’s hard to sneak all of this anti-American crap past these folks! As for Obama nuts… let me point out that if the Census Bureau tries mailing your survey to the GPS coordinates they are marking on your doorstep, nobody will receive the survey. They need a street address, not GPS coordinates… ya dummy!
Then, another friend sent me what she found this morning…
It turns out that Obama, ACORN and the US Census Bureau are not the only folks interested in the GPS coordinates for every home in the USA.
In a United Nations Report dated September 2004 titled, Integration of GPS, Digital Imagery and GIS with Census Mapping, the United Nations Statistics Division announced –
“The recent technological developments, including new high-resolution sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS), Internet and World Wide Web services, are revolutionizing cartography, surveying and mapping in fundamental ways:” - “For the past decade, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has been promoting the development of geographical information systems for population and demographic statistics in developing countries through technical cooperation projects supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), training workshops, and technical publications.”
Despite Fed assurances that “the Census Bureau cannot share any private information about you with anyone else,” a lie parroted by every leftist Obama minion under the sun, including in the mainstream press, the GPS coordinates marking taking place in America today is a project being coordinated with the always reliable and pro-American United Nations, and we should assume, all of it’s member nations...
Besides, an administration anxious to expose all of America’s “TOP SECRET” intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies and programs, would hardly consider the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the U.S. to be a matter of “national security...” Would they?
As the United Nations report suggests, this program had been quietly underway for a “decade” as of September 2004, when the report was issued.
This means that the GPS marking of every home in the U.S. taking place today was put in place sometime in 1994, during the first Clinton administration, likely while Democrats controlled congress. And of course, it also means that the GPS coordinates are NOT a “top secret” database to be used only by the US Census Bureau… anymore than only the US Military can use Google Earth.
According to the UN report from 2004, the program was originally designed to get a better handle on populations in “third world” nations where it is very difficult to know much of anything about what is going on within those nations. You can view the entire document for yourself here
But it was quickly turned into an effort to develop a “worldwide” GPS grid and today, with the partnership between the Obama administration, the United Nations, the USA Census Bureau and ACORN—it is clearly evolving into much more… Author of Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky, would be proud, I’m sure of it!
Maybe since Obama is fast turning America into a “third world nation,” U.S. citizens must comply with all United Nation’s programs designed for “third world nations?”
Such as the pending International U.N. Anti-gunTreaty, which Obama has promised to sign, trumping US Constitutional Second Amendment rights?
But this is exactly the kind of event that many Americans expect will ignite a second American Revolution.
Active and retired members of the military and law enforcement across this country are gathering at places like the http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/ reaffirming their oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, going so far as to list 10 specific executive orders that they will refuse to follow, if Obamanation continues on its current path to a national emergency.
It’s why private gun and ammo sales have been through the roof for the last six months. It’s why state legislature after state legislature is rushing to reclaim state sovereignty and states rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in our Bill of Rights. These are the very people described in Obama’s DHS Reports as “rightwing extremists” and “potential terrorists.”
What strikes me as odd is how Americans will arm up, restate sacred oaths and reclaim state rights, while allowing the very people they worry about, to mark the front door of every private home in America with the same GPS coordinates used for guided aerial munitions… not to mention a plethora of invasive modern surveillance technologies…
American citizens worried about such events sound a lot like the very people described in recent Obama DHS reports, referred to as “rightwing extremism?” - DHS Extremist ‘Lexicon’ Yanked by Napolitano
Once again, I encourage people to do the research and draw their own conclusions. In my opinion, a laundry list of coincidences like this is never a coincidence. But you research and decide for yourself. Still think there is nothing to that crazy GPS conspiracy theory? I hope you decide it soon!
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JB Williams Most recent columns
JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. JB Williams’ website is jb-williams.com/
JB Williams can be reached at: JB_Williams@comcast.net
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