Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Nothing is more imaginary than the claim that CO2 is causing global warming C02 Global Warming’s IPCC-created Hobglobin
By Dr. Tim Ball Monday, April 6, 2009
Over 50 years ago H.L.Mencken said, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Nothing is more imaginary than the claim that CO2 is causing global warming and the proposal designed to lead us to safety is unnecessary and will create real problems.
Imagine basing a major global policy on the output of a grossly simplistic computer model of a very complex system. Worse, the model considers only one miniscule variable known to have no effect while it ignores the major variables. In any area of science, social science or politics the insanity would be soundly rejected. However, that is what the entire world is planning to do with global energy policy to counteract the non-existent problem of global warming.
It is non-existent because the world has cooled since 2000 as CO2 increased and temperatures correlate with changes in the sun. Many climate experts expect the cooling to continue at least until 2030. Why? What is their evidence it is the sun?
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is responsible for providing the hobgoblin of global warming. They claim CO2 is almost the sole cause of warming while effectively ignoring the sun. Their claim that the sun is of little consequence is unbelievable and only a measure of their deception and lousy science. They only looked at one part of solar influence on weather and climate and didn’t do that accurately. Instead they used it to support their claim the temperature changes are not caused by the sun and therefore must be due to CO2. They only considered irradiance (heat and light) and concluded, incorrectly, it was of little consequence. They assume, because the variation is approximately 0.1% over approximately a 30-year period, it is of little consequence.
The number certainly seems small when expressed as a percentage of 100. However, it is estimated that only a 6% variation is sufficient to explain all known temperature variation in the history of the Earth. So 0.1% is significant in relation to 6%. To put this in context consider how much the temperature drops between night and day or even for the brief period of a total eclipse. As solar and climate scientist Willie Soon said, “We have known for 80 years that even small changes in solar radiation have a strong effect on Earth’s temperature and climate.”
The IPCC do not include changes in sun/earth relationships collectively called the Milankovitch effect, a major cause of temperature change.
They ignore the high correlation between sunspots and global temperature which has a warmer Earth with many sunspots and colder with fewer. They claimed, legitimately, you must not assume cause and effect. However, they made the illegitimate claim there was no mechanism and the research was not produced in time to meet their deadline for inclusion. Both claims are wrong. A proposed mechanism first appeared in Science in 1991 when Christensen and Lassen published “Length of the Solar Cycle: An indicator of solar activity closely associated with Climate.” Since then several articles appeared elaborating on the mechanism, most before the IPCC deadline. Why did they ignore it? Likely because it showed the sun explained temperature changes. Typical of the pattern of their manipulations they did break the deadline rule when it suited their argument.
Here is how what is known as the Cosmic Theory works. Cosmic radiation (CR) streams to earth but passes through the Sun’s magnetic field to get here. The amount reaching the earth varies as the strength of that magnetic field varies. Variation in sunspot numbers is visible evidence of changes in the Sun’s magnetic field.
The CR reaches the Earth’s atmosphere where electrons are set free and in the lower atmosphere act as condensation nuclei. For water vapor (gas) to become a liquid the air must cool below the dew point temperature but there must also be nuclei around which it can form. The nuclei are microscopic and the water droplets formed are also very small. It takes about 1 million of them to form a medium sized raindrop. Because they’re so small and light they remain in the air but are collectively visible as clouds.
We have known for some time of a disparity between the amount of cloud that forms and the available nuclei. CR acting as nuclei explains the discrepancy.
The amount of low cloud cover varies as the amount of CR reaching the lower atmosphere varies as this diagram shows.
Clouds: blue line. Cosmic radiation: red line. Source; Extension oforiginal plot from Marsh and Svensmark, 2000.
Low cloud cover blocks sunlight reaching the Earth thus creating cooling. No cloud cover and more sun heats the Earth’s surface creating warming. The cloud acts like a screen covering the windows in a greenhouse to block sunlight.
Sunspot numbers reached a peak in the 1990s and have declined since. We are currently in Cycle 23 and entering Cycle 24.
We know that the longer time between 11-year cycles the lower the number of sunspots in the next cycle. It’s now almost a century since the last similar low numbers. (see 1900 in the diagram). Just several more days without sunspots will give us a delay similar to that of the Dalton Minimum from 1800 to 1820. This was a very cold period that profoundly influenced the work of Charles Dickens (b. 1812) because of frequent and prolonged snow in London during his childhood and crop failures that created the social conditions he wrote about so eloquently. It won’t take a much longer delay for conditions to equal those of the Maunder minimum of sunspot numbers from 1645 to 1715, which coincided with the Little Ice Age.
Past and projected sunspot numbers. Source: Badalyan, Obridko and Sykora.
We’re already experiencing the cooler weather and the pattern is expected to continue at least until 2020 even if Cycle 24 shows up now. As it cools politicians continue to prepare for warming – the wrong hobgoblin designed by the IPCC.
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Dr. Tim Ball Most recent columns
Copyright © 2009 CFP
“Dr. Tim Ball is a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ball employs his extensive background in climatology and other fields as an advisor to the International Climate Science Coalition, Friends of Science and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.â€
Dr. Ball can be reached at: Letters@canadafreepress.com
Older articles by Dr. Tim Ball

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Over 50 years ago H.L.Mencken said, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Nothing is more imaginary than the claim that CO2 is causing global warming and the proposal designed to lead us to safety is unnecessary and will create real problems.
Imagine basing a major global policy on the output of a grossly simplistic computer model of a very complex system. Worse, the model considers only one miniscule variable known to have no effect while it ignores the major variables. In any area of science, social science or politics the insanity would be soundly rejected. However, that is what the entire world is planning to do with global energy policy to counteract the non-existent problem of global warming.
It is non-existent because the world has cooled since 2000 as CO2 increased and temperatures correlate with changes in the sun. Many climate experts expect the cooling to continue at least until 2030. Why? What is their evidence it is the sun?
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is responsible for providing the hobgoblin of global warming. They claim CO2 is almost the sole cause of warming while effectively ignoring the sun. Their claim that the sun is of little consequence is unbelievable and only a measure of their deception and lousy science. They only looked at one part of solar influence on weather and climate and didn’t do that accurately. Instead they used it to support their claim the temperature changes are not caused by the sun and therefore must be due to CO2. They only considered irradiance (heat and light) and concluded, incorrectly, it was of little consequence. They assume, because the variation is approximately 0.1% over approximately a 30-year period, it is of little consequence.
The number certainly seems small when expressed as a percentage of 100. However, it is estimated that only a 6% variation is sufficient to explain all known temperature variation in the history of the Earth. So 0.1% is significant in relation to 6%. To put this in context consider how much the temperature drops between night and day or even for the brief period of a total eclipse. As solar and climate scientist Willie Soon said, “We have known for 80 years that even small changes in solar radiation have a strong effect on Earth’s temperature and climate.”
The IPCC do not include changes in sun/earth relationships collectively called the Milankovitch effect, a major cause of temperature change.
They ignore the high correlation between sunspots and global temperature which has a warmer Earth with many sunspots and colder with fewer. They claimed, legitimately, you must not assume cause and effect. However, they made the illegitimate claim there was no mechanism and the research was not produced in time to meet their deadline for inclusion. Both claims are wrong. A proposed mechanism first appeared in Science in 1991 when Christensen and Lassen published “Length of the Solar Cycle: An indicator of solar activity closely associated with Climate.” Since then several articles appeared elaborating on the mechanism, most before the IPCC deadline. Why did they ignore it? Likely because it showed the sun explained temperature changes. Typical of the pattern of their manipulations they did break the deadline rule when it suited their argument.
Here is how what is known as the Cosmic Theory works. Cosmic radiation (CR) streams to earth but passes through the Sun’s magnetic field to get here. The amount reaching the earth varies as the strength of that magnetic field varies. Variation in sunspot numbers is visible evidence of changes in the Sun’s magnetic field.
The CR reaches the Earth’s atmosphere where electrons are set free and in the lower atmosphere act as condensation nuclei. For water vapor (gas) to become a liquid the air must cool below the dew point temperature but there must also be nuclei around which it can form. The nuclei are microscopic and the water droplets formed are also very small. It takes about 1 million of them to form a medium sized raindrop. Because they’re so small and light they remain in the air but are collectively visible as clouds.
We have known for some time of a disparity between the amount of cloud that forms and the available nuclei. CR acting as nuclei explains the discrepancy.
The amount of low cloud cover varies as the amount of CR reaching the lower atmosphere varies as this diagram shows.
Clouds: blue line. Cosmic radiation: red line. Source; Extension oforiginal plot from Marsh and Svensmark, 2000.
Low cloud cover blocks sunlight reaching the Earth thus creating cooling. No cloud cover and more sun heats the Earth’s surface creating warming. The cloud acts like a screen covering the windows in a greenhouse to block sunlight.
Sunspot numbers reached a peak in the 1990s and have declined since. We are currently in Cycle 23 and entering Cycle 24.
We know that the longer time between 11-year cycles the lower the number of sunspots in the next cycle. It’s now almost a century since the last similar low numbers. (see 1900 in the diagram). Just several more days without sunspots will give us a delay similar to that of the Dalton Minimum from 1800 to 1820. This was a very cold period that profoundly influenced the work of Charles Dickens (b. 1812) because of frequent and prolonged snow in London during his childhood and crop failures that created the social conditions he wrote about so eloquently. It won’t take a much longer delay for conditions to equal those of the Maunder minimum of sunspot numbers from 1645 to 1715, which coincided with the Little Ice Age.
Past and projected sunspot numbers. Source: Badalyan, Obridko and Sykora.
We’re already experiencing the cooler weather and the pattern is expected to continue at least until 2020 even if Cycle 24 shows up now. As it cools politicians continue to prepare for warming – the wrong hobgoblin designed by the IPCC.
(3) Reader Feedback | Subscribe
Dr. Tim Ball Most recent columns
Copyright © 2009 CFP
“Dr. Tim Ball is a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ball employs his extensive background in climatology and other fields as an advisor to the International Climate Science Coalition, Friends of Science and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.â€
Dr. Ball can be reached at: Letters@canadafreepress.com
Older articles by Dr. Tim Ball
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Bilderberg Group Exposed
The Bilderberg Group Exposed is a chilling non-fictitious story about an elite group of people who, since 1954, have been changing the global political arena. This story is not about a conspiracy theory; it’s about a conspiracy fact. This story exposes what this elite group is; who their core members are; who they invite to their annual meetings; their achievements to date as well as their overall objectives.
Information Sources
At strategic points throughout this article, I highlight my sources in the form of a hyperlink providing you with a direct link to a given source as well as the information obtained from that source. In other cases, I make references to books and corresponding authors.
If I am quoting a person’s remarks, these remarks will be enclosed in “quotation” marks. If I am paraphrasing a person’s remarks, these remarks will appear in blue font. If I wish to highlight a certain point or phrase, I highlight the point or phrase using dark font.
Globalization is a widely used term that can be defined in a number of different ways. When used in an economic context, it refers to the reduction and removal of barriers between national borders in order to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, services and labor. The European Union (EU) is an example of a regional form of globalism.
The EU is an economic and political union of 27 European member States. It was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on November 1st, 1993, upon the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community. With almost 500 million citizens, the EU member states combined, generate an estimated 30% share (US$16.8 trillion in 2007) of the nominal gross world product.
The EU has developed a single market through a standardized system of laws which apply in all member states, guaranteeing the freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital. It maintains common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Sixteen member states have adopted a common currency, the Euro. It has developed a role in foreign policy, representing its members in the World Trade Organization at G8 summits as well as the United Nations. Twenty-one EU countries are also members of NATO. The EU has developed a role in justice and home affairs, including the abolition of passport controls between many member states which form part of the Schengen Area; which also incorporates some associated European non-EU countries.
The EU operates through a complex hybrid system of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. In certain areas, it depends upon agreement between the member states. However; it also has supranational bodies, able to make decisions without unanimity between all national governments. Important institutions and bodies of the EU include the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Central Bank. EU citizens elect the Parliament every five years. The EU traces its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community formed among six countries in 1951 and the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since then the union has grown in size through the accession of new countries, and in addition, new policy areas have been added to the remit of the EU’s institutions.
Apart from language, religion and culture, twenty-seven former sovereign countries are now virtually one homogeneous entity. Even though these twenty-seven countries still retain their respective Governments, their power is somewhat limited in so much as the real governance of the European Union is primarily the EU Commission (EUC) based in Brussels, Belgium. Many people believe that a regional globalism such as the EU, is a precursor to a world-wide globalism, commonly referred to as a New World Order.
New World Order (NWO)
In international relations theory, the term “New World Order” refers to a new period of history, evidencing a dramatic paradigm shift in world political thought and the balance of power that could be interpreted as the advent of a cryptoclastic or totalitarian World Government.
At the core of most theories, a powerful and secretive group of globalists is conspiring to eventually rule the World through an autonomous World Government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in international power struggles. Significant occurrences in politics and business are speculated to be caused by an extremely influential cabal, operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve World domination, primarily through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes. Social critics have expressed concern that the synthesis of paranoid theories about a New World Order conspiracy, which was once limited to American far-right audiences, has given them mass appeal and enabled them to become commonplace in mass media, thereby inaugurating an unrivaled popular conspiracist culture in the US of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Some warn that this development may have negative effects on American political life, such as producerist demagogy and moral panic influencing elections as well as domestic and foreign policy.
While we may read or hear that there are covert groups that have already started to gradually take over the World, we are either impervious; don’t believe it or don’t have the political will to confront it. Allow me to present one such group.
Bilderberg Group Overview
The Bilderberg Group was formed in 1954, primarily by the powerful banking families of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, along with royal Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who had strong ties with the Nazi regime. The group meets annually with approximately 130 guests consisting of Europe’s and America’s most wealthy and noble elites from politics, royalty, business, banking, education, media and the military. The overall goal of the group is to bring about a One World Government and global financial system under the political body of a UN style Government controlled by the central banking systems of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. They are also advocates of aspects of modern eugenics and have plans to eventually reduce the world’s population by 80%, as called for by the 1974 UN Assessment on Biodiversity. In his own words, on multiple occasions, Prince Philip of England has expressed his desire to ‘cull’ the surplus population. “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation”. See who else is in agreement with the use of eugenics by clicking on: Eugenics and Depopulation Plans
Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands - scene of the first Bilderberg Conference in 1954. [ ENLARGE ]
Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands - scene of the first Bilderberg Conference in 1954.
Bilderberg Key Objectives
1. Zero-Growth Society. In a post-industrial period, zero growth will be necessary to destroy vestiges of general prosperity. When there is prosperity, there is progress. Prosperity and progress make it impossible to implement repression, and you need repression if you hope to divide society into owners and slaves. The end of prosperity will bring an end to virtually all industrialization except for the computer and service industries. The remaining Canadian and American industries would be exported to poorer countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Nicaragua, where slave labor is cheap. One of the principal objectives of NAFTA will then have been realized.
2. One International Identity. By empowering International bodies to completely destroy all national identity through subversion from within, they intend to establish one set of universal values. No others will be allowed to flourish in the New World Order society.
3. Centralized Control of the People. By means of mind control, they plan to direct all humanity to obey their wishes. The blueprint of this plan is chillingly described in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (details). He is also an associate of Henry Kissinger and well known for his presentations at several Bilderberg Conferences. He foresees, under the New World Order, no middle class; only rulers and servants.
4. State of Perpetual Imbalance. Will be artificially achieved by manufacturing crises that will put people under continual duress - physically, mentally, financially and emotionally. Too tired and strung-out to decide their own destinies, populations will be confused and demoralized to the extent that, “faced with too many choices”, apathy on a massive scale will result.
5. Western Trading Bloc. By expanding NAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere into Mexico, the US and Canada, a “North American Union” will eventually form and be modeled after the European Union.
6. One Legal & Enforcement System. The International Court of Justice will become the sole legal system for the World. In addition, as the UN intervenes in more trouble-spots globally (as is the current case in Afghanistan), NATO will increasingly become the UN’s World army.
7. Centralized Control of All Education. One of the reasons for the European Union, the North American Union and the future Asian Union, is to collectively seek greater control of education in general, so as to allow “One World” globalists to sterilize the World’s true past. They contend that today’s youth is almost completely ignorant of the lessons of history, individual liberties and the meaning of freedom. They further contend that this ignorance will only simplify their program.
Bilderberg Achievements
1. Have conceived and established the European Union as the centerpiece of their global Government plan as well as having established the Euro as the Union’s common and only legal currency.
2. Bilderberg senior member David Rockefeller, founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973 to foster closer cooperation among core democratic industrialized areas of the world (the European Union; the US; Canada and Japan) with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider International system. Journalist Bill Moyers (PBS) spoke about the power of David Rockefeller in a television documentary, “The Secret Government” in 1980 Details
3. Have established influential US contacts in virtually all Government, military, academic and business arenas. During the group’s 1991 conference in Germany, a young Bill Clinton met with David Rockefeller who told Clinton why NAFTA was a Bilderberg priority and that the group needed him to support it. The next year, Clinton was elected President and became a strong proponent of NAFTA as was previous US President George H. W. Bush.
4. Under the previous George W Bush administration, they had already started to advance their goal of a “North American Union”. Globalization has already changed the US economic and political landscape through treaties such as NAFTA and the proposed Security and Prosperity Partnership program (SPP).
5. Again, under the same Bush administration, the US Patriot Act is a statute that was signed into law on October 26th, 2001. It has been criticized by many for weakening protections of civil liberties, as well as being overbroad in regard to its circumstances of application. In particular, opponents of the law have criticized its authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants; searches through which law enforcement officers search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge; the expanded use of National Security Letters, which allows the FBI to search telephone, email and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal challenges have been brought against the act, and Federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions are unconstitutional.
Bilderberg Organizational Structure
The Bilderberg Group’s inner circle is comprised of a Chairman; a Steering Committee and an Advisory Group. I was fortunate in being able to obtain the names of the group’s inner circle as of 1994 which were sourced from: The Invisible Power House, by author Armen Victorian. The invited guests list, however, is more current in that it covers years 2000 to 2007 inclusive and was sourced from Bilderberg.org
Davignon, Etienne Vice President of Société Générale de Belgique
Steering Committee:
• Peter, Lord Carrington - Former Secretary-General NATO.
• Victor Halberstadt - Secretary-General for Europe and Canada.
• Theodore L. Elliot, Jr. - Former US Ambassador.
• Pieter Korteweg - President & CEO, Robeco Group.
• Peter Jankowitsch - Former Foreign Minister - Austria
• Jaakko Iloniemi - Former Finnish Ambassador to the US.
• Marc Lardreit de Lacharrère - Chairman-Fimalac (France)
• Christoph Bertram - Diplomatic Correspondent, Die Zeit.
• Hilmar Kopper - Managing Directors, Deutsche Bank AG.
• Peter D. Sutherland - Chairman, Allied Irish Bank plc.
• Mario Monti - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Italy.
• Renato Ruggiero - Member of the Board, Fiat SpA.
• Westye Hoegh - Ship Owner, Leif Hoegh & Co AS. (Norway)
• Francisco Pinto Balsemao - Former Prime Minister of Portugal.
• Jaime Carvajal Urquijo - Chairman and GM, Iberfomento. (Spain)
• Percy Barnevik - President and CEO, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
• David de Pury - Chairman, BBC Brown Boveri Ltd. (Switzerland)
• Selahattin Beyazit - Director of Companies. (Turkey)
• Andrew Knight - Executive Chairman, News International plc.
• Kenneth W. Dam - Former Deputy Secretary of State. (US)
• Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. - Former President, National Urban League.
• Henry A. Kissinger - Former Secretary of State. (US)
• Charles McC. Mathias - Former Republican Senator, State of Maryland.
• Rozanne C. Whitehead - Former Deputy Secretary of State. (US)
• Lynn R. Williams - Int. President, United Steel- Workers of America.
• Cassimir A. Yost - Ex. Dir., Foundation’s Center for Asian-Pacific Affairs.
• James D. Wolfensohn - President, World Bank, (Int/US)
Members of the Advisory Group:
• Anthony G. S. Griffin - Director of Companies. (Canada)
• Otto Wolff von Amerongen - Chairman and CEO, Otto Wolff Industrieberatung
• Max Kohnstamm - Former President, European University Institute.
• Giovanni Agnelli - Chairman, Fiat SpA..
• Ernst H. van der Beugel - Professor of International Relations, Leiden University.
• Lord Roll of Ipsden - President, S. G. Warburg Group plc. (UK)
• George W. Ball - Former Under-Secretary of State. (US)
• William P. Bundy - Former Editor, Foreign Affairs. (US)
• David Rockefeller - Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank Int. Advisory Committee.
Bilderberg Annual Conferences
Members and invited guests of the Bilderberg group have met at annual meetings since 1954, and the following is a partial list of such conferences from 2000 to 2007 inclusive.
• 2000 Chateau Du Lac Hotel in Geneva, Brussels, Belgium.
• 2001 Hotel Stenungsbaden in Stenungsund Sweden.
• 2002 Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, USA.
• 2003 Trianon Palace Hotel in Paris, France.
• 2004 Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees in Stresa, Italy.
• 2005 Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Germany.
• 2006 Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, Ottawa, Canada.
• 2007 Ritz-Carlton Hotel, in S,is,li, Istanbul, Turkey
On average, there have been 100 to 115 participants at each meeting originating mainly from Western Europe and North America. However; in recent years, there have been attendees from Eastern Europe (including Russia), Israel, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. The following is a list of US guests that have attended two or more meetings between 2000 and 2007 inclusive: (refer to my notes that following this list).
US Guests who attended Bilderberg meetings
The number preceding a guest’s name indicates the number of annual meetings attended by that guest between 2000 and 2007.
• 8 Vernon E. Jordan Jr. - Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
• 8 Henry A. Kissinger - Kissinger Associates Inc.
• 8 Henry R. Kravis - Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
• 7 Thomas Donilon - Fannie Mae
• 7 James A. Johnson - Johnson Capital Partners
• 7 Marie-Josée Kravis - Hudson Institute Inc.
• 7 Jessica T. Mathews - Carnage Endowment for International Peace
• 7 Richard N. Perle - Hollinger Digital, Inc.
• 7 David Rockefeller - Chase Manhattan Bank International
• 6 Martin Feldstein - National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
• 6 Allan B. Hubbard - E&A Industries
• 5 Timothy Collins - Ripplewood Holdings LLC
• 5 John Thornton - Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
• 4 Timothy Geithner - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
• 4 Paul A. Gigot - The Wall Street Journal
• 4 Richard N. Haass - Government (US) - State Department
• 4 Richard C. Holbrooke - United Nations (UN)
• 4 William J. Luti - US Government Defense Department
• 4 Graig J. Mundie - Microsoft Corporation
• 4 Dennis B. Ross - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
• 4 James B. Steinberg - National Security Affairs Deputy
• 4 Paul Wolfowitz - Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
• 3 Paul Allaire - Xerox Corporation
• 3 William McDonough - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
• 3 Frank H. Pearl - Perseus LLC
• 3 Steven Rattner - Quandrangle Group
• 3 George Soros - Soros Fund Management
• 3 John Vinocur - The International Herald Tribune
• 3 Robert B. Zoellick - Trade Adviser to President George W. Bush
• 2 Jon Corzine - Senator - New Jersey
• 2 Kenneth Dam - US Government - Department of the Treasury
• 2 John Deutch - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• 2 Christopher Dodd - Senator - Connecticut
• 2 Chuck Hagel - Senator - Nebraska
• 2 Kay Bailey Hutchison - Senator - Texas
• 2 Mark C. Medish - Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P.
• 2 Michael Moskow - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
• 2 Norman Pearlstine - Time Inc.
• 2 Clyde Prestowitz Jr. - Economic Strategy Institute (ESI)
• 2 Lodewijk Vink Jr. - Warner-Lambert Company
• 2 Fareed Zakaria - Newsweek International
Note 1: There have also been 67 high profile people from the US who had attended one meeting between 2000 and 2007 that have been excluded from my list. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. It is possible that one-time only guests may have attended simply out of curiosity and do not necessarily espouse the objectives of the Bilderberg group.
Note 2: A guest’s place of work or function was established when he/she first attended a meeting and may have changed since then.
Note 3: My source for the “attendees” list, including one-time guests can be found by clicking on: Bilderberg Conference Attendees which lists attendees from all countries by year from 1991 to 2008. I have also created a Lotus spreadsheet that contains the following information:
1. The names & titles of all guests from all countries who have attended Bilderberg meetings between 2007 and 2007 inclusive.
2. Which annual meeting(s) that each guest attended as well as what Companies; Foundations; Organizations and Government sectors that each guest is, or has been a part of.
If you would like a download of the Lotus spreadsheet, simply make a request to: sequ...@live.com
While I don’t have a native Excel version, I am told that Excel can open a Lotus file. If not, perhaps you can convert the Lotus file to Excel; send a copy of your Excel version to the aforementioned email address so that in the future, I can offer both a Lotus and Excel version of this information packed spreadsheet.
A simple question that begs a simple answer
In more than fifty years of meetings that brings together unprecedented power and money at the same time and place, never has any information been leaked out as to what subjects were debated during the Bilderberg meetings. How, in God’s name, can this be possible when the Bilderberg group’s elite membership list includes all of the most powerful individuals who run the Planet? What do the world’s most powerful people talk about at these meetings? Any modern democratic system protects the right to privacy; but doesn’t the public have a right to know what their political leaders are talking about when they meet with the wealthiest business leaders of their respective countries? What guarantees do citizens have that the Bilderberg Group isn’t a center for influence trafficking and lobbying if they aren’t allowed to know what their representatives talk about at the group’s secret gatherings?
Why do none of the mainstream corporate media outlets consider a gathering of such figures, to be newsworthy when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV?
In the United States today, it is a select handful of extremely wealthy families who own the major Media such as ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Time magazine, Newsweek, the US News & World Report, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune; - even such regional giants as the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the Miami Herald, the San Diego Herald-Tribune and the list goes on and on. Source: American Free Press
Why is there no Mainstream Media Coverage?
Why do none of the mainstream corporate media outlets consider a gathering of such figures, to be newsworthy when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV? You will note that several members of the mainstream media were in attendance at these meetings; yet, not one word of the Bilderberg meetings hath they spoken. Just look at who attended from US mainstream Medias:
• International Herald Tribune: John Vinocur - Senior Correspondent
• New York Times: Thomas Friedman - Foreign Affairs Correspondent.
• Newsweek International: Fareed Zakaria - Editor.
• NBC News: Andrea Mitchell - Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent.
• Rose Communications: Charlie Rose - President
• The Economist: Adrian D. Wooldridge - Washington Bureau Chief.
• Time Inc.: Norman Pearlstine - Editor-in-Chief.
• Wall street Journal: Paul A. Gigot - Editorial Page Editor.
• Wall street Journal: Max Boot - Features Editor.
• Washington Post: Donald E. Graham - Publisher.
• Washington Post:: Jim Hoagland - Associate Editor.
• Washington Post:: Charles Krauthammer - Columnist.
Amazing - Twelve high-profile US Media people and not one word about the Bilderberg meetings that they attended - Why why why?
An Authoritative Expert on the Bilderberg Group
Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist and is one of the World’s leading experts on the Bilderberg Group. He wrote the True Story of the Bilderberg Group (original title: La Verdadera Historia Del Club Bilderberg), a report on the nature and meetings of the World’s most powerful people. According to Estulin, the ultra-secretive Bilderbergers have been making major and important political, economical and social decisions since their first gathering in 1954. His book was named Non-fiction Book of the year in Canada by the Kingston Eye Opener, and became an international bestseller.
In December 2007, he claimed that he had received information from sources inside the US intelligence community which suggested that people from the highest levels of the US Government were considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul, because they felt threatened by his burgeoning popularity as a presidential candidate.
In a recent interview, he stated: My father was a Soviet dissident who fought for freedom of speech and was jailed and tortured by the KGB. We are Russian ex-patriots who were deported from the Soviet Union in 1980 and settled in Canada. After having lived in Canada for 12 years, I moved to Spain where I still reside. My grandfather was a Colonel in the KGB and had been involved in counter-intelligence activities in the 1950s. I will always remember what my grandfather had told me: Most secret service people (KGB, MI6 & CIA) work for the secret service, because they are true patriots and do their work for the love of their respective countries; however, they’re the first ones that are absolutely terrified of the plans of the Bilderberg Group.
Certain US States are taking Precautionary Measures
While not mentioning the Bilderberg group by name, ten states have drafted a proposal requesting the US Congress to withdraw the United States from any activity that seeks to create a North American Union, which as we recall, is one of the key objectives of the Bilderberg group. The following is the South Carolina proposal: Source: South Carolina.
Other states with similar proposals include: Georgia; Illinois; Missouri; Montana; Oregon; South Dakota; Utah; Virginia and Washington.
Judge for yourself if the Bilderberg group is a myth or a reality.
Michael R. Palazzo

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Information Sources
At strategic points throughout this article, I highlight my sources in the form of a hyperlink providing you with a direct link to a given source as well as the information obtained from that source. In other cases, I make references to books and corresponding authors.
If I am quoting a person’s remarks, these remarks will be enclosed in “quotation” marks. If I am paraphrasing a person’s remarks, these remarks will appear in blue font. If I wish to highlight a certain point or phrase, I highlight the point or phrase using dark font.
Globalization is a widely used term that can be defined in a number of different ways. When used in an economic context, it refers to the reduction and removal of barriers between national borders in order to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, services and labor. The European Union (EU) is an example of a regional form of globalism.
The EU is an economic and political union of 27 European member States. It was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on November 1st, 1993, upon the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community. With almost 500 million citizens, the EU member states combined, generate an estimated 30% share (US$16.8 trillion in 2007) of the nominal gross world product.
The EU has developed a single market through a standardized system of laws which apply in all member states, guaranteeing the freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital. It maintains common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Sixteen member states have adopted a common currency, the Euro. It has developed a role in foreign policy, representing its members in the World Trade Organization at G8 summits as well as the United Nations. Twenty-one EU countries are also members of NATO. The EU has developed a role in justice and home affairs, including the abolition of passport controls between many member states which form part of the Schengen Area; which also incorporates some associated European non-EU countries.
The EU operates through a complex hybrid system of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. In certain areas, it depends upon agreement between the member states. However; it also has supranational bodies, able to make decisions without unanimity between all national governments. Important institutions and bodies of the EU include the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Central Bank. EU citizens elect the Parliament every five years. The EU traces its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community formed among six countries in 1951 and the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since then the union has grown in size through the accession of new countries, and in addition, new policy areas have been added to the remit of the EU’s institutions.
Apart from language, religion and culture, twenty-seven former sovereign countries are now virtually one homogeneous entity. Even though these twenty-seven countries still retain their respective Governments, their power is somewhat limited in so much as the real governance of the European Union is primarily the EU Commission (EUC) based in Brussels, Belgium. Many people believe that a regional globalism such as the EU, is a precursor to a world-wide globalism, commonly referred to as a New World Order.
New World Order (NWO)
In international relations theory, the term “New World Order” refers to a new period of history, evidencing a dramatic paradigm shift in world political thought and the balance of power that could be interpreted as the advent of a cryptoclastic or totalitarian World Government.
At the core of most theories, a powerful and secretive group of globalists is conspiring to eventually rule the World through an autonomous World Government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in international power struggles. Significant occurrences in politics and business are speculated to be caused by an extremely influential cabal, operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve World domination, primarily through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes. Social critics have expressed concern that the synthesis of paranoid theories about a New World Order conspiracy, which was once limited to American far-right audiences, has given them mass appeal and enabled them to become commonplace in mass media, thereby inaugurating an unrivaled popular conspiracist culture in the US of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Some warn that this development may have negative effects on American political life, such as producerist demagogy and moral panic influencing elections as well as domestic and foreign policy.
While we may read or hear that there are covert groups that have already started to gradually take over the World, we are either impervious; don’t believe it or don’t have the political will to confront it. Allow me to present one such group.
Bilderberg Group Overview
The Bilderberg Group was formed in 1954, primarily by the powerful banking families of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, along with royal Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who had strong ties with the Nazi regime. The group meets annually with approximately 130 guests consisting of Europe’s and America’s most wealthy and noble elites from politics, royalty, business, banking, education, media and the military. The overall goal of the group is to bring about a One World Government and global financial system under the political body of a UN style Government controlled by the central banking systems of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. They are also advocates of aspects of modern eugenics and have plans to eventually reduce the world’s population by 80%, as called for by the 1974 UN Assessment on Biodiversity. In his own words, on multiple occasions, Prince Philip of England has expressed his desire to ‘cull’ the surplus population. “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation”. See who else is in agreement with the use of eugenics by clicking on: Eugenics and Depopulation Plans
Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands - scene of the first Bilderberg Conference in 1954. [ ENLARGE ]
Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands - scene of the first Bilderberg Conference in 1954.
Bilderberg Key Objectives
1. Zero-Growth Society. In a post-industrial period, zero growth will be necessary to destroy vestiges of general prosperity. When there is prosperity, there is progress. Prosperity and progress make it impossible to implement repression, and you need repression if you hope to divide society into owners and slaves. The end of prosperity will bring an end to virtually all industrialization except for the computer and service industries. The remaining Canadian and American industries would be exported to poorer countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Nicaragua, where slave labor is cheap. One of the principal objectives of NAFTA will then have been realized.
2. One International Identity. By empowering International bodies to completely destroy all national identity through subversion from within, they intend to establish one set of universal values. No others will be allowed to flourish in the New World Order society.
3. Centralized Control of the People. By means of mind control, they plan to direct all humanity to obey their wishes. The blueprint of this plan is chillingly described in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (details). He is also an associate of Henry Kissinger and well known for his presentations at several Bilderberg Conferences. He foresees, under the New World Order, no middle class; only rulers and servants.
4. State of Perpetual Imbalance. Will be artificially achieved by manufacturing crises that will put people under continual duress - physically, mentally, financially and emotionally. Too tired and strung-out to decide their own destinies, populations will be confused and demoralized to the extent that, “faced with too many choices”, apathy on a massive scale will result.
5. Western Trading Bloc. By expanding NAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere into Mexico, the US and Canada, a “North American Union” will eventually form and be modeled after the European Union.
6. One Legal & Enforcement System. The International Court of Justice will become the sole legal system for the World. In addition, as the UN intervenes in more trouble-spots globally (as is the current case in Afghanistan), NATO will increasingly become the UN’s World army.
7. Centralized Control of All Education. One of the reasons for the European Union, the North American Union and the future Asian Union, is to collectively seek greater control of education in general, so as to allow “One World” globalists to sterilize the World’s true past. They contend that today’s youth is almost completely ignorant of the lessons of history, individual liberties and the meaning of freedom. They further contend that this ignorance will only simplify their program.
Bilderberg Achievements
1. Have conceived and established the European Union as the centerpiece of their global Government plan as well as having established the Euro as the Union’s common and only legal currency.
2. Bilderberg senior member David Rockefeller, founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973 to foster closer cooperation among core democratic industrialized areas of the world (the European Union; the US; Canada and Japan) with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider International system. Journalist Bill Moyers (PBS) spoke about the power of David Rockefeller in a television documentary, “The Secret Government” in 1980 Details
3. Have established influential US contacts in virtually all Government, military, academic and business arenas. During the group’s 1991 conference in Germany, a young Bill Clinton met with David Rockefeller who told Clinton why NAFTA was a Bilderberg priority and that the group needed him to support it. The next year, Clinton was elected President and became a strong proponent of NAFTA as was previous US President George H. W. Bush.
4. Under the previous George W Bush administration, they had already started to advance their goal of a “North American Union”. Globalization has already changed the US economic and political landscape through treaties such as NAFTA and the proposed Security and Prosperity Partnership program (SPP).
5. Again, under the same Bush administration, the US Patriot Act is a statute that was signed into law on October 26th, 2001. It has been criticized by many for weakening protections of civil liberties, as well as being overbroad in regard to its circumstances of application. In particular, opponents of the law have criticized its authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants; searches through which law enforcement officers search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge; the expanded use of National Security Letters, which allows the FBI to search telephone, email and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal challenges have been brought against the act, and Federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions are unconstitutional.
Bilderberg Organizational Structure
The Bilderberg Group’s inner circle is comprised of a Chairman; a Steering Committee and an Advisory Group. I was fortunate in being able to obtain the names of the group’s inner circle as of 1994 which were sourced from: The Invisible Power House, by author Armen Victorian. The invited guests list, however, is more current in that it covers years 2000 to 2007 inclusive and was sourced from Bilderberg.org
Davignon, Etienne Vice President of Société Générale de Belgique
Steering Committee:
• Peter, Lord Carrington - Former Secretary-General NATO.
• Victor Halberstadt - Secretary-General for Europe and Canada.
• Theodore L. Elliot, Jr. - Former US Ambassador.
• Pieter Korteweg - President & CEO, Robeco Group.
• Peter Jankowitsch - Former Foreign Minister - Austria
• Jaakko Iloniemi - Former Finnish Ambassador to the US.
• Marc Lardreit de Lacharrère - Chairman-Fimalac (France)
• Christoph Bertram - Diplomatic Correspondent, Die Zeit.
• Hilmar Kopper - Managing Directors, Deutsche Bank AG.
• Peter D. Sutherland - Chairman, Allied Irish Bank plc.
• Mario Monti - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Italy.
• Renato Ruggiero - Member of the Board, Fiat SpA.
• Westye Hoegh - Ship Owner, Leif Hoegh & Co AS. (Norway)
• Francisco Pinto Balsemao - Former Prime Minister of Portugal.
• Jaime Carvajal Urquijo - Chairman and GM, Iberfomento. (Spain)
• Percy Barnevik - President and CEO, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
• David de Pury - Chairman, BBC Brown Boveri Ltd. (Switzerland)
• Selahattin Beyazit - Director of Companies. (Turkey)
• Andrew Knight - Executive Chairman, News International plc.
• Kenneth W. Dam - Former Deputy Secretary of State. (US)
• Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. - Former President, National Urban League.
• Henry A. Kissinger - Former Secretary of State. (US)
• Charles McC. Mathias - Former Republican Senator, State of Maryland.
• Rozanne C. Whitehead - Former Deputy Secretary of State. (US)
• Lynn R. Williams - Int. President, United Steel- Workers of America.
• Cassimir A. Yost - Ex. Dir., Foundation’s Center for Asian-Pacific Affairs.
• James D. Wolfensohn - President, World Bank, (Int/US)
Members of the Advisory Group:
• Anthony G. S. Griffin - Director of Companies. (Canada)
• Otto Wolff von Amerongen - Chairman and CEO, Otto Wolff Industrieberatung
• Max Kohnstamm - Former President, European University Institute.
• Giovanni Agnelli - Chairman, Fiat SpA..
• Ernst H. van der Beugel - Professor of International Relations, Leiden University.
• Lord Roll of Ipsden - President, S. G. Warburg Group plc. (UK)
• George W. Ball - Former Under-Secretary of State. (US)
• William P. Bundy - Former Editor, Foreign Affairs. (US)
• David Rockefeller - Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank Int. Advisory Committee.
Bilderberg Annual Conferences
Members and invited guests of the Bilderberg group have met at annual meetings since 1954, and the following is a partial list of such conferences from 2000 to 2007 inclusive.
• 2000 Chateau Du Lac Hotel in Geneva, Brussels, Belgium.
• 2001 Hotel Stenungsbaden in Stenungsund Sweden.
• 2002 Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, USA.
• 2003 Trianon Palace Hotel in Paris, France.
• 2004 Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees in Stresa, Italy.
• 2005 Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Germany.
• 2006 Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, Ottawa, Canada.
• 2007 Ritz-Carlton Hotel, in S,is,li, Istanbul, Turkey
On average, there have been 100 to 115 participants at each meeting originating mainly from Western Europe and North America. However; in recent years, there have been attendees from Eastern Europe (including Russia), Israel, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. The following is a list of US guests that have attended two or more meetings between 2000 and 2007 inclusive: (refer to my notes that following this list).
US Guests who attended Bilderberg meetings
The number preceding a guest’s name indicates the number of annual meetings attended by that guest between 2000 and 2007.
• 8 Vernon E. Jordan Jr. - Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
• 8 Henry A. Kissinger - Kissinger Associates Inc.
• 8 Henry R. Kravis - Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
• 7 Thomas Donilon - Fannie Mae
• 7 James A. Johnson - Johnson Capital Partners
• 7 Marie-Josée Kravis - Hudson Institute Inc.
• 7 Jessica T. Mathews - Carnage Endowment for International Peace
• 7 Richard N. Perle - Hollinger Digital, Inc.
• 7 David Rockefeller - Chase Manhattan Bank International
• 6 Martin Feldstein - National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
• 6 Allan B. Hubbard - E&A Industries
• 5 Timothy Collins - Ripplewood Holdings LLC
• 5 John Thornton - Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
• 4 Timothy Geithner - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
• 4 Paul A. Gigot - The Wall Street Journal
• 4 Richard N. Haass - Government (US) - State Department
• 4 Richard C. Holbrooke - United Nations (UN)
• 4 William J. Luti - US Government Defense Department
• 4 Graig J. Mundie - Microsoft Corporation
• 4 Dennis B. Ross - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
• 4 James B. Steinberg - National Security Affairs Deputy
• 4 Paul Wolfowitz - Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
• 3 Paul Allaire - Xerox Corporation
• 3 William McDonough - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
• 3 Frank H. Pearl - Perseus LLC
• 3 Steven Rattner - Quandrangle Group
• 3 George Soros - Soros Fund Management
• 3 John Vinocur - The International Herald Tribune
• 3 Robert B. Zoellick - Trade Adviser to President George W. Bush
• 2 Jon Corzine - Senator - New Jersey
• 2 Kenneth Dam - US Government - Department of the Treasury
• 2 John Deutch - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• 2 Christopher Dodd - Senator - Connecticut
• 2 Chuck Hagel - Senator - Nebraska
• 2 Kay Bailey Hutchison - Senator - Texas
• 2 Mark C. Medish - Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P.
• 2 Michael Moskow - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
• 2 Norman Pearlstine - Time Inc.
• 2 Clyde Prestowitz Jr. - Economic Strategy Institute (ESI)
• 2 Lodewijk Vink Jr. - Warner-Lambert Company
• 2 Fareed Zakaria - Newsweek International
Note 1: There have also been 67 high profile people from the US who had attended one meeting between 2000 and 2007 that have been excluded from my list. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. It is possible that one-time only guests may have attended simply out of curiosity and do not necessarily espouse the objectives of the Bilderberg group.
Note 2: A guest’s place of work or function was established when he/she first attended a meeting and may have changed since then.
Note 3: My source for the “attendees” list, including one-time guests can be found by clicking on: Bilderberg Conference Attendees which lists attendees from all countries by year from 1991 to 2008. I have also created a Lotus spreadsheet that contains the following information:
1. The names & titles of all guests from all countries who have attended Bilderberg meetings between 2007 and 2007 inclusive.
2. Which annual meeting(s) that each guest attended as well as what Companies; Foundations; Organizations and Government sectors that each guest is, or has been a part of.
If you would like a download of the Lotus spreadsheet, simply make a request to: sequ...@live.com
While I don’t have a native Excel version, I am told that Excel can open a Lotus file. If not, perhaps you can convert the Lotus file to Excel; send a copy of your Excel version to the aforementioned email address so that in the future, I can offer both a Lotus and Excel version of this information packed spreadsheet.
A simple question that begs a simple answer
In more than fifty years of meetings that brings together unprecedented power and money at the same time and place, never has any information been leaked out as to what subjects were debated during the Bilderberg meetings. How, in God’s name, can this be possible when the Bilderberg group’s elite membership list includes all of the most powerful individuals who run the Planet? What do the world’s most powerful people talk about at these meetings? Any modern democratic system protects the right to privacy; but doesn’t the public have a right to know what their political leaders are talking about when they meet with the wealthiest business leaders of their respective countries? What guarantees do citizens have that the Bilderberg Group isn’t a center for influence trafficking and lobbying if they aren’t allowed to know what their representatives talk about at the group’s secret gatherings?
Why do none of the mainstream corporate media outlets consider a gathering of such figures, to be newsworthy when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV?
In the United States today, it is a select handful of extremely wealthy families who own the major Media such as ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Time magazine, Newsweek, the US News & World Report, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune; - even such regional giants as the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the Miami Herald, the San Diego Herald-Tribune and the list goes on and on. Source: American Free Press
Why is there no Mainstream Media Coverage?
Why do none of the mainstream corporate media outlets consider a gathering of such figures, to be newsworthy when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV? You will note that several members of the mainstream media were in attendance at these meetings; yet, not one word of the Bilderberg meetings hath they spoken. Just look at who attended from US mainstream Medias:
• International Herald Tribune: John Vinocur - Senior Correspondent
• New York Times: Thomas Friedman - Foreign Affairs Correspondent.
• Newsweek International: Fareed Zakaria - Editor.
• NBC News: Andrea Mitchell - Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent.
• Rose Communications: Charlie Rose - President
• The Economist: Adrian D. Wooldridge - Washington Bureau Chief.
• Time Inc.: Norman Pearlstine - Editor-in-Chief.
• Wall street Journal: Paul A. Gigot - Editorial Page Editor.
• Wall street Journal: Max Boot - Features Editor.
• Washington Post: Donald E. Graham - Publisher.
• Washington Post:: Jim Hoagland - Associate Editor.
• Washington Post:: Charles Krauthammer - Columnist.
Amazing - Twelve high-profile US Media people and not one word about the Bilderberg meetings that they attended - Why why why?
An Authoritative Expert on the Bilderberg Group
Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist and is one of the World’s leading experts on the Bilderberg Group. He wrote the True Story of the Bilderberg Group (original title: La Verdadera Historia Del Club Bilderberg), a report on the nature and meetings of the World’s most powerful people. According to Estulin, the ultra-secretive Bilderbergers have been making major and important political, economical and social decisions since their first gathering in 1954. His book was named Non-fiction Book of the year in Canada by the Kingston Eye Opener, and became an international bestseller.
In December 2007, he claimed that he had received information from sources inside the US intelligence community which suggested that people from the highest levels of the US Government were considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul, because they felt threatened by his burgeoning popularity as a presidential candidate.
In a recent interview, he stated: My father was a Soviet dissident who fought for freedom of speech and was jailed and tortured by the KGB. We are Russian ex-patriots who were deported from the Soviet Union in 1980 and settled in Canada. After having lived in Canada for 12 years, I moved to Spain where I still reside. My grandfather was a Colonel in the KGB and had been involved in counter-intelligence activities in the 1950s. I will always remember what my grandfather had told me: Most secret service people (KGB, MI6 & CIA) work for the secret service, because they are true patriots and do their work for the love of their respective countries; however, they’re the first ones that are absolutely terrified of the plans of the Bilderberg Group.
Certain US States are taking Precautionary Measures
While not mentioning the Bilderberg group by name, ten states have drafted a proposal requesting the US Congress to withdraw the United States from any activity that seeks to create a North American Union, which as we recall, is one of the key objectives of the Bilderberg group. The following is the South Carolina proposal: Source: South Carolina.
Other states with similar proposals include: Georgia; Illinois; Missouri; Montana; Oregon; South Dakota; Utah; Virginia and Washington.
Judge for yourself if the Bilderberg group is a myth or a reality.
Michael R. Palazzo
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SHOUT OUR OATHS IN THE TYRANT'S FACE - Washington D.C., June 13, 2009
Join us on the Mall in Washington D.C. on June 13, 2009 as we Oath Keepers "muster on the mall" at the invitation of Gathering of Eagles and www.protroopevents.com.
The time has come for all of you - whether military, police, or veterans - who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution to take a stand and let your voices be heard, right there on the Mall in Washington D.C. on June 13, to let the oath breakers of both political parties know that you will keep your oath in defense of our constitutional republic.
And if you are a citizen who has not yet sworn such an oath to defend the Constitution but would like to, now is your chance to take that oath right there in Washington D.C., standing beside fellow patriots who are active duty, reserves, National Guard, police, and veterans.
Oath Keepers was invited to attend this June 13 "VI-DAY CELEBRATION" in support of the troops by former Navy SEAL Capt. Larry Bailey, Chairman of Gathering of Eagles. As part of our outreach effort to current serving military, police, and veterans, Oath Keepers will have a tent on the mall and Oath Keepers' founder Stewart Rhodes will be one of the speakers at the rally. Oath Keepers will also be sharing our tent with the good folks at the Appleseed Project, an all-volunteer effort to teach both marksmanship and heritage.
Just as was done at the Knoxville Tennessee Tea Party and again at the April 19 gathering at Lexington Green, Oath Keepers will be conducting an oath reaffirmation and oath taking ceremony at the June 13 rally in Washington D.C.
Here is a video of the oath ceremony at the Knoxville Tea Party, where approximately 4,000 people swore the oath:
And here is a video of the oath ceremony at Lexington Green on April 19, 2009 where active duty military, police, veterans and patriotic citizens stood together on that sacred ground and swore the oath, which was administered by retired Navy SEAL Capt. Larry Bailey:
Now, imagine what it will be like when you stand among tens of thousands of your fellow Americans - military, police, veterans, and citizens - all demonstrating together your resolve to return this country to its heritage as a limited-government republic. Just how many will be there? Well, that depends on you. The last Gathering of Eagles sponsored rally was attended by over 30,000 people, but if you do your part, we could have as many as 100,000 standing on the Mall, taking that stand and swearing that oath.
Stand with us, and "shout your oath in the tyrant's face" by telling your public servants of both parties that you will not only disobey, but actively oppose all of the Ten Orders We Will Not Obey.
Show the authoritarians and oath breakers of both parties and every government agency that you have the courage to stand up in public and tell them each:
ADDITIONAL OATH KEEPERS MEETING ON JUNE 14, 2009. Oath Keepers will also meet the day after the rally, on June 14, somewhere in the D.C. area for additional speakers and a working lunch - and you are more than welcome to attend that additional event if you can (please RSVP by emailing us at oathkeepersok@gmail.com). Details on that additional meeting will be forthcoming.
We still have a relatively strong First Amendment to protect our right to assembly, free association, free speech, and our right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, and we need to use that powerful tool of peaceful revolution and restoration now while we still can. It's time to turn the tide. It's time to stand on the mall in DC and "shout our oaths in the tyrant's face."
We are now in a perilous time for our nation. We see a concerted, relentless effort to marginalize, smear, and silence us. First, we saw the dispicable DHS report that smeared veterans as potential terrorists. And now, with the latest DHS smear document, the Domestic Extremism Lexicon, labelling "constitutionalists" and "patriots" as extremists (which means the same thing as "terrorists"), it is clear that if you dare to support the Constitution, and dare to quote the founding fathers of this nation, and take the Constitution seriously, then you will be considered an "extremist" and a threat to the powers that be among the political elite.
This is the tactic used by all governments that turn oppressive: use vague, broad brushed labeling of people as "enemies of the state" to marginalize them and increase the artificial divide between the people and the police and military, and then use that labeling and marginalization to make people afraid to speak up, to chill their speech, and silence them out of fear of being singled out for persecution. The DHS reports are such broad smears that they basically boil down to "anyone who doesn't agree with us is a potential terrorist."
The final stage of persecution is to actually apply all the powers of the state against anyone who does dare to speak out, arresting them on trumped up charges of terrorism, for example. We are still in the smear and marginalization stage, and are also beginning the chilling of speech stage, but we can see where this is headed.
But as these veterans point out in their videos, the DHS smears of veterans, constitutionalists and patriots is backfiring just as badly as Obama's suggestion that disabled and injured veterans pay for their own medical care. Nothing is waking up the people, and especially the veterans, like these leaked government "reports." This is not Germany, the USSR, or communist China. This is America, and attempts to chill our speech and marginalize us only make us stronger and more resolved to speak out.
And speak out is exactly what we will do on the DC Mall on June 13, 2009. Guardians of the Republic, join us on the mall and shout your oath in the tyrant's face!
See you there.
Stewart Rhodes
Founder of Oath Keepers
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Join us on the Mall in Washington D.C. on June 13, 2009 as we Oath Keepers "muster on the mall" at the invitation of Gathering of Eagles and www.protroopevents.com.
The time has come for all of you - whether military, police, or veterans - who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution to take a stand and let your voices be heard, right there on the Mall in Washington D.C. on June 13, to let the oath breakers of both political parties know that you will keep your oath in defense of our constitutional republic.
And if you are a citizen who has not yet sworn such an oath to defend the Constitution but would like to, now is your chance to take that oath right there in Washington D.C., standing beside fellow patriots who are active duty, reserves, National Guard, police, and veterans.
Oath Keepers was invited to attend this June 13 "VI-DAY CELEBRATION" in support of the troops by former Navy SEAL Capt. Larry Bailey, Chairman of Gathering of Eagles. As part of our outreach effort to current serving military, police, and veterans, Oath Keepers will have a tent on the mall and Oath Keepers' founder Stewart Rhodes will be one of the speakers at the rally. Oath Keepers will also be sharing our tent with the good folks at the Appleseed Project, an all-volunteer effort to teach both marksmanship and heritage.
Just as was done at the Knoxville Tennessee Tea Party and again at the April 19 gathering at Lexington Green, Oath Keepers will be conducting an oath reaffirmation and oath taking ceremony at the June 13 rally in Washington D.C.
Here is a video of the oath ceremony at the Knoxville Tea Party, where approximately 4,000 people swore the oath:
And here is a video of the oath ceremony at Lexington Green on April 19, 2009 where active duty military, police, veterans and patriotic citizens stood together on that sacred ground and swore the oath, which was administered by retired Navy SEAL Capt. Larry Bailey:
Now, imagine what it will be like when you stand among tens of thousands of your fellow Americans - military, police, veterans, and citizens - all demonstrating together your resolve to return this country to its heritage as a limited-government republic. Just how many will be there? Well, that depends on you. The last Gathering of Eagles sponsored rally was attended by over 30,000 people, but if you do your part, we could have as many as 100,000 standing on the Mall, taking that stand and swearing that oath.
Stand with us, and "shout your oath in the tyrant's face" by telling your public servants of both parties that you will not only disobey, but actively oppose all of the Ten Orders We Will Not Obey.
Show the authoritarians and oath breakers of both parties and every government agency that you have the courage to stand up in public and tell them each:
ADDITIONAL OATH KEEPERS MEETING ON JUNE 14, 2009. Oath Keepers will also meet the day after the rally, on June 14, somewhere in the D.C. area for additional speakers and a working lunch - and you are more than welcome to attend that additional event if you can (please RSVP by emailing us at oathkeepersok@gmail.com). Details on that additional meeting will be forthcoming.
We still have a relatively strong First Amendment to protect our right to assembly, free association, free speech, and our right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, and we need to use that powerful tool of peaceful revolution and restoration now while we still can. It's time to turn the tide. It's time to stand on the mall in DC and "shout our oaths in the tyrant's face."
We are now in a perilous time for our nation. We see a concerted, relentless effort to marginalize, smear, and silence us. First, we saw the dispicable DHS report that smeared veterans as potential terrorists. And now, with the latest DHS smear document, the Domestic Extremism Lexicon, labelling "constitutionalists" and "patriots" as extremists (which means the same thing as "terrorists"), it is clear that if you dare to support the Constitution, and dare to quote the founding fathers of this nation, and take the Constitution seriously, then you will be considered an "extremist" and a threat to the powers that be among the political elite.
This is the tactic used by all governments that turn oppressive: use vague, broad brushed labeling of people as "enemies of the state" to marginalize them and increase the artificial divide between the people and the police and military, and then use that labeling and marginalization to make people afraid to speak up, to chill their speech, and silence them out of fear of being singled out for persecution. The DHS reports are such broad smears that they basically boil down to "anyone who doesn't agree with us is a potential terrorist."
The final stage of persecution is to actually apply all the powers of the state against anyone who does dare to speak out, arresting them on trumped up charges of terrorism, for example. We are still in the smear and marginalization stage, and are also beginning the chilling of speech stage, but we can see where this is headed.
But as these veterans point out in their videos, the DHS smears of veterans, constitutionalists and patriots is backfiring just as badly as Obama's suggestion that disabled and injured veterans pay for their own medical care. Nothing is waking up the people, and especially the veterans, like these leaked government "reports." This is not Germany, the USSR, or communist China. This is America, and attempts to chill our speech and marginalize us only make us stronger and more resolved to speak out.
And speak out is exactly what we will do on the DC Mall on June 13, 2009. Guardians of the Republic, join us on the mall and shout your oath in the tyrant's face!
See you there.
Stewart Rhodes
Founder of Oath Keepers
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Friday, May 8, 2009
A United Nations Mandate? GPS Marking EVERY Front Door - Part II
By JB Williams Thursday, May 7, 2009
On April 29, 2009, I released Part I of this column, which resulted in a firestorm of interest in the story behind current Census Bureau efforts to capture and record the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the United States. World Net Daily is leading with that story today… Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door.
The story blasted around the Internet within hours of its release, drawing millions of readers and thousands of comments from both Obama and ACORN supporters, and Americans already fearful of a corrupt and possibly unconstitutional government, clearly running wild with unbridled power. By 24 hours later, even the Census Bureau in DC was reading the column.
Obama and ACORN supporters were quick to offer a nasty laundry list of excuses for why Obama and ACORN had a need (and a right) to create a database of GPS coordinates for every American citizen. One idiot named Steve actually claimed that the US Constitution requires Obama to mark your door with GPS coordinates.
Of course, Americans still waiting to see a copy of Obama’s birth and college records feel quite differently…
Obama nuts can’t seem to grasp the significant difference between an armed prison guard and an armed prison population. They claim that since Bush had access to weapons, that Obama, Emanuel, Clinton and ACORN should too… in the name of “fairness” and “equality.”
But a close personal buddy, a retired Marine to be exact, made it quite clear why Americans should be alarmed by this administration having access to a pop-gun, much less nukes and GPS coordinates for every home in America.
He wrote… “This would be an impressive list of accomplishments, if we were talking about Stalin’s Soviet Union, North Korea, or Chavez and Castro....”
* Census takers sent out before the Census with GPS to “mark” every home
* DHS Lexicon identifying every American Patriot as a potential “domestic terrorist”
* Seizing of Banks
* Firing of CEOs in the private sector
* Forcing Auto Manufacturers to turn controlling stock interest to the UNIONS which ran them off a cliff
* Threatening Chrysler’s Bondholders with “The Full Force of the White House Press Corp” if they didn’t capitulate to the UAW and Obama
* Spending more paper “Debt” money than all American President’s combined, guaranteeing the US Dollar’s eventual collapse
* Eviscerating the Nation’s Intelligence Services, and instilling fear by releasing the names and faces of interrogators to the media
* Threatening “Show Trials” of the Bush and Cheney
* Releasing Guantanamo Jihadists onto American streets
* Canceling the F-22. That was really damaging. F-22 was the revolutionary replacement for the thirty year old, aging airframes of the F-16, F-15 F-18, and C-17. No more Air Dominance
* Kissing up to every Dictator on the planet
* Allowing Iran and North Korea to develop nukes
* Allowing Pakistan nukes to potentially fall into Taliban hands
* While vowing to “Unilaterally Disarm” the US nuclear arsenal and demanding the same of Israel
* Vowing to sign a UN treaty which will command all Americans to surrender their firearms
* Sending Tax Evader in Chief Geithner out to “aggressively” go after average American tax payers
* “Hate Crimes” legislation creating Special Classes of Citizens with more rights than others, ending “equal Protection," and threatening Christian Priests & Pastors who quote G-d’s law against homosexual behavior with prison
* The crowd from the 68’ Chicago riots is running America off a cliff with madmen like Ayers and Soros, the high priests of Liberal Fascism, as “Spiritual Advisors." And the list goes on and on...
Unfortunately, this has all happened in America – just in the last 100 days!”
My Marine buddy had it right. And so did a Navy buddy of mine, who wrote,
- “This is simply a blatant, no possible good reason, invasion of privacy. God forgive me, but as ex-Navy Fire Control Tech who was responsible for programming and launching the U.S. Navy’s various missiles and gun systems, the first thing that popped into my mind when I read this article, was you cannot program a Tomahawk or Harpoon missile with an address, but you can with a GPS coordinate.”
After reading my buddy’s mail, I’m beginning to understand what Obama and his DHS don’t like about the American military… It’s hard to sneak all of this anti-American crap past these folks! As for Obama nuts… let me point out that if the Census Bureau tries mailing your survey to the GPS coordinates they are marking on your doorstep, nobody will receive the survey. They need a street address, not GPS coordinates… ya dummy!
Then, another friend sent me what she found this morning…
It turns out that Obama, ACORN and the US Census Bureau are not the only folks interested in the GPS coordinates for every home in the USA.
In a United Nations Report dated September 2004 titled, Integration of GPS, Digital Imagery and GIS with Census Mapping, the United Nations Statistics Division announced –
“The recent technological developments, including new high-resolution sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS), Internet and World Wide Web services, are revolutionizing cartography, surveying and mapping in fundamental ways:” - “For the past decade, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has been promoting the development of geographical information systems for population and demographic statistics in developing countries through technical cooperation projects supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), training workshops, and technical publications.”
Despite Fed assurances that “the Census Bureau cannot share any private information about you with anyone else,” a lie parroted by every leftist Obama minion under the sun, including in the mainstream press, the GPS coordinates marking taking place in America today is a project being coordinated with the always reliable and pro-American United Nations, and we should assume, all of it’s member nations...
Besides, an administration anxious to expose all of America’s “TOP SECRET” intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies and programs, would hardly consider the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the U.S. to be a matter of “national security...” Would they?
As the United Nations report suggests, this program had been quietly underway for a “decade” as of September 2004, when the report was issued.
This means that the GPS marking of every home in the U.S. taking place today was put in place sometime in 1994, during the first Clinton administration, likely while Democrats controlled congress. And of course, it also means that the GPS coordinates are NOT a “top secret” database to be used only by the US Census Bureau… anymore than only the US Military can use Google Earth.
According to the UN report from 2004, the program was originally designed to get a better handle on populations in “third world” nations where it is very difficult to know much of anything about what is going on within those nations. You can view the entire document for yourself here
But it was quickly turned into an effort to develop a “worldwide” GPS grid and today, with the partnership between the Obama administration, the United Nations, the USA Census Bureau and ACORN—it is clearly evolving into much more… Author of Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky, would be proud, I’m sure of it!
Maybe since Obama is fast turning America into a “third world nation,” U.S. citizens must comply with all United Nation’s programs designed for “third world nations?”
Such as the pending International U.N. Anti-gunTreaty, which Obama has promised to sign, trumping US Constitutional Second Amendment rights?
But this is exactly the kind of event that many Americans expect will ignite a second American Revolution.
Active and retired members of the military and law enforcement across this country are gathering at places like the http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/ reaffirming their oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, going so far as to list 10 specific executive orders that they will refuse to follow, if Obamanation continues on its current path to a national emergency.
It’s why private gun and ammo sales have been through the roof for the last six months. It’s why state legislature after state legislature is rushing to reclaim state sovereignty and states rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in our Bill of Rights. These are the very people described in Obama’s DHS Reports as “rightwing extremists” and “potential terrorists.”
What strikes me as odd is how Americans will arm up, restate sacred oaths and reclaim state rights, while allowing the very people they worry about, to mark the front door of every private home in America with the same GPS coordinates used for guided aerial munitions… not to mention a plethora of invasive modern surveillance technologies…
American citizens worried about such events sound a lot like the very people described in recent Obama DHS reports, referred to as “rightwing extremism?” - DHS Extremist ‘Lexicon’ Yanked by Napolitano
Once again, I encourage people to do the research and draw their own conclusions. In my opinion, a laundry list of coincidences like this is never a coincidence. But you research and decide for yourself. Still think there is nothing to that crazy GPS conspiracy theory? I hope you decide it soon!
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JB Williams Most recent columns
JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. JB Williams’ website is jb-williams.com/
JB Williams can be reached at: JB_Williams@comcast.net
Older articles by JB Williams

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On April 29, 2009, I released Part I of this column, which resulted in a firestorm of interest in the story behind current Census Bureau efforts to capture and record the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the United States. World Net Daily is leading with that story today… Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door.
The story blasted around the Internet within hours of its release, drawing millions of readers and thousands of comments from both Obama and ACORN supporters, and Americans already fearful of a corrupt and possibly unconstitutional government, clearly running wild with unbridled power. By 24 hours later, even the Census Bureau in DC was reading the column.
Obama and ACORN supporters were quick to offer a nasty laundry list of excuses for why Obama and ACORN had a need (and a right) to create a database of GPS coordinates for every American citizen. One idiot named Steve actually claimed that the US Constitution requires Obama to mark your door with GPS coordinates.
Of course, Americans still waiting to see a copy of Obama’s birth and college records feel quite differently…
Obama nuts can’t seem to grasp the significant difference between an armed prison guard and an armed prison population. They claim that since Bush had access to weapons, that Obama, Emanuel, Clinton and ACORN should too… in the name of “fairness” and “equality.”
But a close personal buddy, a retired Marine to be exact, made it quite clear why Americans should be alarmed by this administration having access to a pop-gun, much less nukes and GPS coordinates for every home in America.
He wrote… “This would be an impressive list of accomplishments, if we were talking about Stalin’s Soviet Union, North Korea, or Chavez and Castro....”
* Census takers sent out before the Census with GPS to “mark” every home
* DHS Lexicon identifying every American Patriot as a potential “domestic terrorist”
* Seizing of Banks
* Firing of CEOs in the private sector
* Forcing Auto Manufacturers to turn controlling stock interest to the UNIONS which ran them off a cliff
* Threatening Chrysler’s Bondholders with “The Full Force of the White House Press Corp” if they didn’t capitulate to the UAW and Obama
* Spending more paper “Debt” money than all American President’s combined, guaranteeing the US Dollar’s eventual collapse
* Eviscerating the Nation’s Intelligence Services, and instilling fear by releasing the names and faces of interrogators to the media
* Threatening “Show Trials” of the Bush and Cheney
* Releasing Guantanamo Jihadists onto American streets
* Canceling the F-22. That was really damaging. F-22 was the revolutionary replacement for the thirty year old, aging airframes of the F-16, F-15 F-18, and C-17. No more Air Dominance
* Kissing up to every Dictator on the planet
* Allowing Iran and North Korea to develop nukes
* Allowing Pakistan nukes to potentially fall into Taliban hands
* While vowing to “Unilaterally Disarm” the US nuclear arsenal and demanding the same of Israel
* Vowing to sign a UN treaty which will command all Americans to surrender their firearms
* Sending Tax Evader in Chief Geithner out to “aggressively” go after average American tax payers
* “Hate Crimes” legislation creating Special Classes of Citizens with more rights than others, ending “equal Protection," and threatening Christian Priests & Pastors who quote G-d’s law against homosexual behavior with prison
* The crowd from the 68’ Chicago riots is running America off a cliff with madmen like Ayers and Soros, the high priests of Liberal Fascism, as “Spiritual Advisors." And the list goes on and on...
Unfortunately, this has all happened in America – just in the last 100 days!”
My Marine buddy had it right. And so did a Navy buddy of mine, who wrote,
- “This is simply a blatant, no possible good reason, invasion of privacy. God forgive me, but as ex-Navy Fire Control Tech who was responsible for programming and launching the U.S. Navy’s various missiles and gun systems, the first thing that popped into my mind when I read this article, was you cannot program a Tomahawk or Harpoon missile with an address, but you can with a GPS coordinate.”
After reading my buddy’s mail, I’m beginning to understand what Obama and his DHS don’t like about the American military… It’s hard to sneak all of this anti-American crap past these folks! As for Obama nuts… let me point out that if the Census Bureau tries mailing your survey to the GPS coordinates they are marking on your doorstep, nobody will receive the survey. They need a street address, not GPS coordinates… ya dummy!
Then, another friend sent me what she found this morning…
It turns out that Obama, ACORN and the US Census Bureau are not the only folks interested in the GPS coordinates for every home in the USA.
In a United Nations Report dated September 2004 titled, Integration of GPS, Digital Imagery and GIS with Census Mapping, the United Nations Statistics Division announced –
“The recent technological developments, including new high-resolution sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS), Internet and World Wide Web services, are revolutionizing cartography, surveying and mapping in fundamental ways:” - “For the past decade, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has been promoting the development of geographical information systems for population and demographic statistics in developing countries through technical cooperation projects supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), training workshops, and technical publications.”
Despite Fed assurances that “the Census Bureau cannot share any private information about you with anyone else,” a lie parroted by every leftist Obama minion under the sun, including in the mainstream press, the GPS coordinates marking taking place in America today is a project being coordinated with the always reliable and pro-American United Nations, and we should assume, all of it’s member nations...
Besides, an administration anxious to expose all of America’s “TOP SECRET” intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies and programs, would hardly consider the GPS coordinates of every private residence in the U.S. to be a matter of “national security...” Would they?
As the United Nations report suggests, this program had been quietly underway for a “decade” as of September 2004, when the report was issued.
This means that the GPS marking of every home in the U.S. taking place today was put in place sometime in 1994, during the first Clinton administration, likely while Democrats controlled congress. And of course, it also means that the GPS coordinates are NOT a “top secret” database to be used only by the US Census Bureau… anymore than only the US Military can use Google Earth.
According to the UN report from 2004, the program was originally designed to get a better handle on populations in “third world” nations where it is very difficult to know much of anything about what is going on within those nations. You can view the entire document for yourself here
But it was quickly turned into an effort to develop a “worldwide” GPS grid and today, with the partnership between the Obama administration, the United Nations, the USA Census Bureau and ACORN—it is clearly evolving into much more… Author of Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky, would be proud, I’m sure of it!
Maybe since Obama is fast turning America into a “third world nation,” U.S. citizens must comply with all United Nation’s programs designed for “third world nations?”
Such as the pending International U.N. Anti-gunTreaty, which Obama has promised to sign, trumping US Constitutional Second Amendment rights?
But this is exactly the kind of event that many Americans expect will ignite a second American Revolution.
Active and retired members of the military and law enforcement across this country are gathering at places like the http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/ reaffirming their oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, going so far as to list 10 specific executive orders that they will refuse to follow, if Obamanation continues on its current path to a national emergency.
It’s why private gun and ammo sales have been through the roof for the last six months. It’s why state legislature after state legislature is rushing to reclaim state sovereignty and states rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in our Bill of Rights. These are the very people described in Obama’s DHS Reports as “rightwing extremists” and “potential terrorists.”
What strikes me as odd is how Americans will arm up, restate sacred oaths and reclaim state rights, while allowing the very people they worry about, to mark the front door of every private home in America with the same GPS coordinates used for guided aerial munitions… not to mention a plethora of invasive modern surveillance technologies…
American citizens worried about such events sound a lot like the very people described in recent Obama DHS reports, referred to as “rightwing extremism?” - DHS Extremist ‘Lexicon’ Yanked by Napolitano
Once again, I encourage people to do the research and draw their own conclusions. In my opinion, a laundry list of coincidences like this is never a coincidence. But you research and decide for yourself. Still think there is nothing to that crazy GPS conspiracy theory? I hope you decide it soon!
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JB Williams Most recent columns
JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. JB Williams’ website is jb-williams.com/
JB Williams can be reached at: JB_Williams@comcast.net
Older articles by JB Williams
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Thursday, May 7, 2009
, Hugo Chavez, Barack Obama, Cult of Personality Obama and the Bogeyman
By Bill McIntyre Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Since time immemorial wannabe dictators and despots have repeatedly used the same tactics to achieve their tyrannical but disguised intentions.
Their collective agenda generally consists of imposing some twisted ideology or nefarious system of rulership on a society duped by lies, real or manufactured threats to the state and the fracturing of societies along racial, religious, political or economic lines.
Among the more favoured devices is the creation of a bogeyman in the country. The bogeyman can be presented as internal or external threats from which everyone needs protection. The bogeyman is not only a frightening figure designed to scare children. It is also used to scare entire populations.
Adolf Hitler marshalled the German nation to his cause by using the Jews as his bogeyman. They were portrayed as ruining the country. They were blamed for the Depression and the plight of the mostly unemployed German people at the time. The call to arms against them was incessant, vicious and dehumanizing. By dehumanizing the Jews, Hitler and his supporters made it possible to murder more than six million of them.
Closer to our own time we have seen the likes of Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin who used the prosperous East Indian community as the country’s bogeyman. This allowed him to kick them out of the country then seize their money, property and businesses. Once they were gone, he turned on his own people.
Wacky Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe used the white farmers as his bogeyman. He seized their farms, forced them to leave the country, turned the farms over inexperienced former gunmen and the country, with the exception of the ruling class, has not enjoyed a decent meal since. The country is now a wasteland of poverty and despair but still getting money from the Western democracies to ensure the survival of the Mugabe dictatorship.
In Venezuela Hugo Chavez, turned on the United States as his bogeyman and whipped the country into an anti-American frenzy, taking freedom with him into a lifetime strangle-hold on that country’s presidency. U.S. President Obama would probably argue with me that Chavez is not such a bad fellow since he reads and distributes books to visiting politicians. He probably also has a firm handshake.
So what does all this have to do with the United States and President Obama? You have to look at Obama’s activities during his first 100 days in office then decide for yourself just what is going on.
Obama swept into office while the nation’s media was busily promoting a fear campaign involving the fastest moving recession known to man. The media fear campaign drove American society to suddenly cut billions of dollars out of the economy sending it into a tailspin.
Some blame the recession on the Bilderbergers since they are said to control who becomes president in the U.S. I am not a conspiracy theorist but suggest you check them out for yourself.
So here, then you have the bogeyman emerging from the shadows during a tight election campaign. Meanwhile, en masse, the U.S. media aligns itself with Obama ensuring he gets elected. Follow this closely because several bogeymen are unleashed against the American people almost simultaneously.
They are:
* The mainstream media propagandist creates the “racist” bogeyman. Anyone who disagrees or speaks out against Obama is labelled a racist. That tactic persists to this day.
* The automotive sector is cast as a corporate bogeyman that is not to be trusted and needs the guidance of business experts in the White House to control them. Suddenly the American government is dictating how companies must be run if do not couple they won’t get any money. The Communists tried this for years and created the Lada and some of the shoddiest products in the World. You must remember the Lada? It was designed to become a tractor for use in growing your own crop of turnips when needed, which was almost always, in the People’s Paradise.
* Gun owners were the next target for demonization. Several recent shooting events are giving gun opponents all the ammunition needed to convince a supportive administration that Second Amendment rights must be trampled down and citizens disarmed. Disarm the population and you can do pretty much anything you like.
* A really interesting bogeyman is the rich. Taking a page right out of Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto, President Obama has targetted the rich for special tax attention. The flaw in this Brave New World thinking is, it is designed to make the poorer folks think they are going to get some of the money from the rich. At only five per cent of the tax-paying population, unfortunately there are not enough rich people to meet the demand. It just means more people will be poorer. After all, who creates the jobs and opportunities for the poor or middle-class? The government? No, the rich. In the Communist countries they had equality. Everyone was poor except for, you guessed it, the politicians. The smart people fled to the U.S., Canada and other countries where they could operate businesses and create wealth and jobs.
* Current external bogeymen are threats posed by Iran’s nuclear aspirations, Pakistan, a country armed with nuclear weapons, and precariously close to falling into the hands of the Taliban, Afghanistan and trade with Canada. Since the Obama administration has launched a Buy American campaign, I am assuming he does not want Canadian oil or natural gas and possibly even water in the near future. I suppose if one does not want to pick a fight with an enemy one can always pick a fight with a friend. It’s safer that way.
Media-created Obamaphoria
Another ploy used by would-be dictators is the Cult of Personality. Remember Moa Tse-tung in China? Huge pictures of him were pasted everywhere. His thoughts were published; his every move followed, his every speech praised. It was incessant. Sound familiar?
This is standard fare from the Guide to Being a Dictator. They can do no wrong. They are compared to great leaders of the past. Come to think of it, is Obama not being hailed as a reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln? Can you recall any other president who got more fawning media exposure than President Obama? He is seen in hamburger shops like an ordinary guy. He fires people in private industry. He walks on water. If you disagree you’re a scummy racist deserving of death.
His wife Michelle is being portrayed as a powerhouse of everything stylish; exceptional mother (move over Mother Theresa) concerned about the lesser being around her and is everything an American woman should aspire to be. The kids are pictured as upper intelligent, beautiful, fashion savvy and dog-friendly while still just your average American kids.
With all the evidence floating around out there as to the Obama agenda, it surprises me that more Americans are not waking up and smelling the coffee. Yes, many are. There are signs of it everywhere in the new media. Warnings about Obama’s intentions were publicized before the last election but the media-created Obamaphoria overwhelmed common sense and what little scepticism actually reached the voting public.
One last point. During the election campaign Obama rode into the White House on the mantra of Change/Yes We Can. Who knew what that meant? Change what, who? We can what? Change? Change can be good, bad or indifferent. Again, another deceitful practice. Sound like you are promising something that you are not. Tell people what they want to hear. But then, nobody dared call him on it. They were all too busy chanting.
And it’s really too bad, because a long and difficult road lies ahead for those who are brave enough, conscious enough and incensed enough to reverse the direction in which the American people are being deceived into taking.
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Bill McIntyre Most recent columns

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Since time immemorial wannabe dictators and despots have repeatedly used the same tactics to achieve their tyrannical but disguised intentions.
Their collective agenda generally consists of imposing some twisted ideology or nefarious system of rulership on a society duped by lies, real or manufactured threats to the state and the fracturing of societies along racial, religious, political or economic lines.
Among the more favoured devices is the creation of a bogeyman in the country. The bogeyman can be presented as internal or external threats from which everyone needs protection. The bogeyman is not only a frightening figure designed to scare children. It is also used to scare entire populations.
Adolf Hitler marshalled the German nation to his cause by using the Jews as his bogeyman. They were portrayed as ruining the country. They were blamed for the Depression and the plight of the mostly unemployed German people at the time. The call to arms against them was incessant, vicious and dehumanizing. By dehumanizing the Jews, Hitler and his supporters made it possible to murder more than six million of them.
Closer to our own time we have seen the likes of Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin who used the prosperous East Indian community as the country’s bogeyman. This allowed him to kick them out of the country then seize their money, property and businesses. Once they were gone, he turned on his own people.
Wacky Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe used the white farmers as his bogeyman. He seized their farms, forced them to leave the country, turned the farms over inexperienced former gunmen and the country, with the exception of the ruling class, has not enjoyed a decent meal since. The country is now a wasteland of poverty and despair but still getting money from the Western democracies to ensure the survival of the Mugabe dictatorship.
In Venezuela Hugo Chavez, turned on the United States as his bogeyman and whipped the country into an anti-American frenzy, taking freedom with him into a lifetime strangle-hold on that country’s presidency. U.S. President Obama would probably argue with me that Chavez is not such a bad fellow since he reads and distributes books to visiting politicians. He probably also has a firm handshake.
So what does all this have to do with the United States and President Obama? You have to look at Obama’s activities during his first 100 days in office then decide for yourself just what is going on.
Obama swept into office while the nation’s media was busily promoting a fear campaign involving the fastest moving recession known to man. The media fear campaign drove American society to suddenly cut billions of dollars out of the economy sending it into a tailspin.
Some blame the recession on the Bilderbergers since they are said to control who becomes president in the U.S. I am not a conspiracy theorist but suggest you check them out for yourself.
So here, then you have the bogeyman emerging from the shadows during a tight election campaign. Meanwhile, en masse, the U.S. media aligns itself with Obama ensuring he gets elected. Follow this closely because several bogeymen are unleashed against the American people almost simultaneously.
They are:
* The mainstream media propagandist creates the “racist” bogeyman. Anyone who disagrees or speaks out against Obama is labelled a racist. That tactic persists to this day.
* The automotive sector is cast as a corporate bogeyman that is not to be trusted and needs the guidance of business experts in the White House to control them. Suddenly the American government is dictating how companies must be run if do not couple they won’t get any money. The Communists tried this for years and created the Lada and some of the shoddiest products in the World. You must remember the Lada? It was designed to become a tractor for use in growing your own crop of turnips when needed, which was almost always, in the People’s Paradise.
* Gun owners were the next target for demonization. Several recent shooting events are giving gun opponents all the ammunition needed to convince a supportive administration that Second Amendment rights must be trampled down and citizens disarmed. Disarm the population and you can do pretty much anything you like.
* A really interesting bogeyman is the rich. Taking a page right out of Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto, President Obama has targetted the rich for special tax attention. The flaw in this Brave New World thinking is, it is designed to make the poorer folks think they are going to get some of the money from the rich. At only five per cent of the tax-paying population, unfortunately there are not enough rich people to meet the demand. It just means more people will be poorer. After all, who creates the jobs and opportunities for the poor or middle-class? The government? No, the rich. In the Communist countries they had equality. Everyone was poor except for, you guessed it, the politicians. The smart people fled to the U.S., Canada and other countries where they could operate businesses and create wealth and jobs.
* Current external bogeymen are threats posed by Iran’s nuclear aspirations, Pakistan, a country armed with nuclear weapons, and precariously close to falling into the hands of the Taliban, Afghanistan and trade with Canada. Since the Obama administration has launched a Buy American campaign, I am assuming he does not want Canadian oil or natural gas and possibly even water in the near future. I suppose if one does not want to pick a fight with an enemy one can always pick a fight with a friend. It’s safer that way.
Media-created Obamaphoria
Another ploy used by would-be dictators is the Cult of Personality. Remember Moa Tse-tung in China? Huge pictures of him were pasted everywhere. His thoughts were published; his every move followed, his every speech praised. It was incessant. Sound familiar?
This is standard fare from the Guide to Being a Dictator. They can do no wrong. They are compared to great leaders of the past. Come to think of it, is Obama not being hailed as a reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln? Can you recall any other president who got more fawning media exposure than President Obama? He is seen in hamburger shops like an ordinary guy. He fires people in private industry. He walks on water. If you disagree you’re a scummy racist deserving of death.
His wife Michelle is being portrayed as a powerhouse of everything stylish; exceptional mother (move over Mother Theresa) concerned about the lesser being around her and is everything an American woman should aspire to be. The kids are pictured as upper intelligent, beautiful, fashion savvy and dog-friendly while still just your average American kids.
With all the evidence floating around out there as to the Obama agenda, it surprises me that more Americans are not waking up and smelling the coffee. Yes, many are. There are signs of it everywhere in the new media. Warnings about Obama’s intentions were publicized before the last election but the media-created Obamaphoria overwhelmed common sense and what little scepticism actually reached the voting public.
One last point. During the election campaign Obama rode into the White House on the mantra of Change/Yes We Can. Who knew what that meant? Change what, who? We can what? Change? Change can be good, bad or indifferent. Again, another deceitful practice. Sound like you are promising something that you are not. Tell people what they want to hear. But then, nobody dared call him on it. They were all too busy chanting.
And it’s really too bad, because a long and difficult road lies ahead for those who are brave enough, conscious enough and incensed enough to reverse the direction in which the American people are being deceived into taking.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The socialist steamroller continues
By Dr. Laurie Roth Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Though President Obama and this democrat controlled congress have all but nearly created a filibuster proof, totalitarian rule with Arlen Specter going democrat and Pee Wee Herman number 2, Al Franken looking like he will come on board, the junior high antics, assaults, name calling and bullying continues in Technicolor.
Obama is on a roll to transform the U.S. into a highly controlled, socialist, communist regime. He already through the guise and game plan of “bailout” rescue packages, seized control of the banking industry, much of the auto industry, has drastically changed and manipulated the health care industry and plans to force all kinds of abortion in all states, hospitals and with all Doctors regardless as to their beliefs or state laws against it.
Threats, bullying and intimidation is the motivational strategy of choice
Many months ago when more billions were being thrown around at various large banks, I did a little investigation my self and called a few reputable banker, investment folks I knew and found out the huge amount of manipulation and threats that were used to get all the bankers to receive at least 5 billion even if they declared they didn’t want it and had reserves. They were told all would take it or none would get it.
So, reluctantly, after several bank leaders pleaded with members of congress not to make them take the money, they did. A few months later, several tried to pay the funds back and congress would not allow them to. Can you say, threats and control while stealing from the American people?
Threats and slander continue
The drama from hell continues as we hear Attorney Tom Lauria, who is representing a group of lenders that are against the Chrysler sale, says that the Obama White house directly threatened his clients. I listened in amazement on Fox TV news at yet another threat and manipulation scheme by this administration against Chrysler’s lenders. Shockingly, also as usual, the White House and left wing bloggers are accusing Tom Lauria and the lenders as being total liars. “The white house never threatened anyone!” Either Tom Lauria and the lenders are all sociopathic liars wanting attention, or Obama and his crew are continuing the lies and threats as they assume control.
Of course what am I thinking? This white house wouldn’t play below the belt and falsely accuse or threaten people and companies. It must have been a mistaken release when Napolitano and Homeland Security, the day before the Tea Parties, identified vets, prolifers, those interested in border security, sovereignty, less taxation and 2nd amendment rights as dangerous, domestic terrorists in the making. There was no attempt to intimidate anyone away from the Tea Parties then. That must just be made up in my mind that this document was released nationally reading like a declaration of war against the American people.
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Dr. Laurie Roth Most recent columns
Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?
Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit. She plays the piano, keyboard, and violin and has a voice that can penetrate your very soul. 

Laurie is also an accomplished Author, Cartoonist, and Artist.
She can be reached at: Drljroth@aol.com

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Though President Obama and this democrat controlled congress have all but nearly created a filibuster proof, totalitarian rule with Arlen Specter going democrat and Pee Wee Herman number 2, Al Franken looking like he will come on board, the junior high antics, assaults, name calling and bullying continues in Technicolor.
Obama is on a roll to transform the U.S. into a highly controlled, socialist, communist regime. He already through the guise and game plan of “bailout” rescue packages, seized control of the banking industry, much of the auto industry, has drastically changed and manipulated the health care industry and plans to force all kinds of abortion in all states, hospitals and with all Doctors regardless as to their beliefs or state laws against it.
Threats, bullying and intimidation is the motivational strategy of choice
Many months ago when more billions were being thrown around at various large banks, I did a little investigation my self and called a few reputable banker, investment folks I knew and found out the huge amount of manipulation and threats that were used to get all the bankers to receive at least 5 billion even if they declared they didn’t want it and had reserves. They were told all would take it or none would get it.
So, reluctantly, after several bank leaders pleaded with members of congress not to make them take the money, they did. A few months later, several tried to pay the funds back and congress would not allow them to. Can you say, threats and control while stealing from the American people?
Threats and slander continue
The drama from hell continues as we hear Attorney Tom Lauria, who is representing a group of lenders that are against the Chrysler sale, says that the Obama White house directly threatened his clients. I listened in amazement on Fox TV news at yet another threat and manipulation scheme by this administration against Chrysler’s lenders. Shockingly, also as usual, the White House and left wing bloggers are accusing Tom Lauria and the lenders as being total liars. “The white house never threatened anyone!” Either Tom Lauria and the lenders are all sociopathic liars wanting attention, or Obama and his crew are continuing the lies and threats as they assume control.
Of course what am I thinking? This white house wouldn’t play below the belt and falsely accuse or threaten people and companies. It must have been a mistaken release when Napolitano and Homeland Security, the day before the Tea Parties, identified vets, prolifers, those interested in border security, sovereignty, less taxation and 2nd amendment rights as dangerous, domestic terrorists in the making. There was no attempt to intimidate anyone away from the Tea Parties then. That must just be made up in my mind that this document was released nationally reading like a declaration of war against the American people.
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Dr. Laurie Roth Most recent columns
Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?
Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit. She plays the piano, keyboard, and violin and has a voice that can penetrate your very soul. 

Laurie is also an accomplished Author, Cartoonist, and Artist.
She can be reached at: Drljroth@aol.com
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